HCL Infosystems - HCL not returing my laptop and lost 5-6 months of warranty
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Complaint by: Prakash on February 27, 2013, 12:31 pm in Computers and Accessories
This is the complaint against the HCL Laptop team. The day I bought the HCL laptop I am geting the issues with it and have sent it to the service center for 4-5 times. The last time I sent it to the service center was in october 2012 and I was asked to again raise a request which helped the HCL people to close my previous request. I still didn't get my laptop in working condition. and it is almost 3-4 months of warranty that I am losing because the service center peple are not returning it on time.
Complainant's Goal: To get the laptop in good condition or to get the new working laptop or my money
Complainant's Target: HCL Infosystems
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