Home Shope18 - Fraud call from homeshop18(online shopping)
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Complaint by: Banani baruah on February 9, 2017, 7:52 pm in Unsolicited Phone Calls
I got a fraud call and msg from homeshop18 that i won 1st prize in their lucky draw and i won a tata safari car of 12lakh 80thousand ruppees. He told me to deposit 4500 in a SBI account named as MR GAUTAM BHARTI. And mistakenly without my knowledge i deposited 4500 in his account.
After that i got a call and msg from SBI that to transfer my prize money of 12lakh 80thousand i have to again deposit 9800rupees. I have not transfered that money i asked my 4500 back. But they refused to give.
Plz help me to get 4500 ruppess back.
Complainant's Goal: I want my 4500 ruppees money back
Complainant's Target: Home Shope18
Thanx banani last sunday 19/02/2017 i hv also got same call and same offer
He demans Rs. 6500/-
thanx god i hv naver deposit any money in their account.
massage "Name. Mr.Manoj sharma A/C.NO.35329914593 Bank name.SBI "
Ph. No. +********5944
I Want to beware about these types of call. Before any investigation don't invest.