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Complaint by: avinash on September 17, 2010, 4:50 pm in Consumer Electronics

Sub: Regarding Installation of Membrane

I, the undersigned purchased RO- Smart system from your Companies Marketing Executive. Mr. Prashant Bhavsar in June, 2008. After one year in Oct,09 we made complaint of about non- functioning of RO Machine to your office. Subsequently companies technician visited and inspected machine. Upon verification he informed us that replacement of membrane is required. So according to his advise we replaced membrane with cost having one year of warranty period which is yet to be over.

But recently early in the last month we complained about high quantity of its salinity in the water due to which we have to consume impure, unhygienic water which also have unpleasant test. As a result we have been facing cold, sneeze and stomached and various water borne related diseases due to companies incompetent and delayed service. Thereafter companies technician visited and inspected machine and informed us that Membrane replacement is needed and Installation would be done within 2-3 days. But he did not turn for replacement. Thereafter we inquired about our complaint to office. Concerned person told us that currently the said part is out of stock we will install it whenever it would be available to us.

In this connection, I would like to appraise you that, It is purely companies responsibility to provide required part if it’s warranty period is effective in any manner. So it reflects that company’s view is irresponsible towards customers complaints to treat on priority basis. Despite company like Eureka Forbes having a pan India operations. I don’t understand that how each time Membrane gets damaged and need to replacement. So does it mean that inferior quality Membrane has been intentionally installed each time to our RO machine? It has been one month is over to complaint still it has been not redressed yet. Therefore, may I conclude that, it is companies gimmicks, to intentionally make delays to instillation of membrane to avoid installation within warranty period which would be over in the next month. So we would be compelled to repurchase the same.
I, therefore request you to make arrange instillation of Membrane urgently to sustained customers faith and satisfaction.


Complainant's Goal: my compalaint should be resolved immediately
Complainant's Target: service
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraJalgaon
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