service - Berth Allotment even confirmed booking status three months changed in last minue
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Complaint by: vinod Nair on June 13, 2011, 10:25 am in Indian Railways

General Manager,
Head Quarters Office,
Southern Railway,
Parktown, Chennai,
Tamilnadu, India.
Pin : 600 003.

Subject: Confirmed Berth were pushed back from IInd AC to IIIAC and HQ Quata release were subject to get the IInd AC berth.

Dear Sir,

This is to bring to your kind notice about the mismanagement and highhandedness of the railway reservation management system and their authroities.
My famillies reservation was done three months back i.e 15.03.2011 Current PNR(revised due to one seat cancellation) 453-9695847, The ticket was confirmed and the Berth was allotted as mentioned in the ticket. To saddness my father in law aged 71 years has stood early morning for three hours to get the ticket in the above said date.

As today was the journey date My family wife, son aged 12 and daughter aged 4-1/2 years were travelling and to their utter surprise the chart never mentioned any change of status of the compartment and when they boarded there berth were pushed back to third A/C and over and above the same has been not in the same coach but one other coach. The reason stated as Half of the coach is IInd AC and Half of the sae is Third AC.

Can you imagine the mental agony and harassment a traveller face this sort of situation happens in the nick of moment and that to when the same is book three months earlier.

The next surprise was that people known to us boarded the train who were waitlisted ticket and confirmed via HQ release were given the confirmed reservation in the existing Half IInd AC.

Due you think this act was justified the how people with HQ release can confirm the berth and reject the same to the passenger who has got confirmed ticket three months earlier..

Your Enquiry in this regard is solicited and a proper response, other wise i am forced to take the course of law as a citizen of this country.

Vinod Nair
63, sector-1,Type C
Balco, Balo nagar,
Korba- 495 684
Dated 13.06.2011

Complainant's Goal: I want to bring the abrupt way of berth allotment in southern railway system.
Complainant's Target: service
Complaint Location: IndiaChenngannur Kerala
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