I had orderd laptop portabel table and received on 26/07/2013 the (product portable table. order no 3002536006)
But unfortunately I found the product damaged and also not worth there are
following problems with this product
> Broken product.
> Finishing is not good cheap material of plastic is used and not long lasting.
> Totally different from the image as shown in the Indiatimes as in the image it seems that there is
some metal part where there is no any metal used at all in the whole body.
> There is only USB port is given but no any wire to connect the laptop with that port due to which it is
very difficult to connect it until user is not having cable and this thing not has been mentioned over the
After viewing the product I have decided to take get back my refund please do the needful.
I had register complaint in Indiatimes on the same day complaint no is 998111. They assured me to arrange the reverse pickup and refund the amount within 5 days. After the time elapsed of 5 days I had called them 4-5 times and they always assure me on the phone that it would be done within 24 hrs. But nothing has been done regarding this the product is not picked up yet. When I asked them for thier grivenance cell so that I could esclate the matter. But they refused and told me to call back on the same number where I am not getting the proper response.
Thanks And regards
Amit Kumar Thalwal