I have booked a new vehicle HONDA ACTIVA 4G from the above show room on 31.07.2017 for an amount of Rs.68925/- out of which I have paid a sum of Rs.68000/- by cash and rest of the Rs.925/- is due and I was told that this can be paid when I come to take delivery of the vehicle.
On 2nd august when I went to pay the rest of the amount of Rs.925/- by credit card show room employees asked me to go to their work shop located after few buildings away from the show room to swipe the card because they do not have card swiping machine in their place. I had asked them to help to swipe the card because i left the car at one place and I have some luggages with me but no one was willing to come forward and they kept quite in this situation i went to all the way to their service work shop with my luggage and paid their due.
When i discuss regarding this issue with show room manager he does not even have courtesy to say sorry and not even ready to arrange any one to co-operate. When they deal with bigger volume of business why dont they keep swiping machine for customers convenience at their place and why should we run around to pay their due.
Very pathetic experience. Will they change their attitude?