road quality

Address: HUDA gurgaon
road quality - No Road built in Sector-46 Gurgaon for the last 6-7 years
Mon, 06 Dec 2010 by ankur in Building and Construction
We are am living in Sector 46 Gurgaon for last 6 7 years and have complained many many times. There is no road ever built between H.No 712 to H.No. 692. This is a joint request posted by people living... Read more
road quality - very poor roads of sector -4 to highway
Fri, 19 Nov 2010 by indu in Others
Sector 4 is poorly connected to highway thogh there are many roads but all roads are of very poor quality. no one can smootly reach the highway. lots of traffic and mis managed roads are there roads get damage frequently... Read more