Go air

Address: Delhi Srinagar
Phone: Gfive
Go air - Harrasesd by Airport Incharge & Boarding Denied by Go Airways
Sun, 12 Jun 2011 by Rajeev in Airlines
I am writing this feedback based on the fact that I was harassed by your Airport Officer Incharge for Go Airways Mr. Shouvdata Das at Pune Airport on 10 6 2011 It is very disturbing that the staff is very... Read more
Go air - I am being cheated by giving a gfive mobile of rs6000.
Fri, 28 Jan 2011 by Masrat in Mobile and Cell Phones
I have purchased a gfive mobile while travelng 4rm delhi in a flight goair of rs 6000 vn the seller was claiming it of rs10000 but on reaching home it was not having all the features the agent claimed and... Read more