private job - Colony Drainage line blocked
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Complaint by: neelesh pandey on September 14, 2015, 11:37 am in Others
Dear Sir,
I am the resident of 113, bijli nagar, bicholi hapsi road, Indore (M.P.). In our colony, Water sewerage, drainage and chamber line is blocked and due to that dirty waters flows on the colony road and bad smells of this dirty water spreads in the entire colony. This may cause various types of disease to the colony residents. So Please arrange to resolve the problem as soon as possible. Thank you Sir.
neelesh pandey
113, bijli nagar, bicholi hapsi road,
Indore (M.P.)
Mo.- ********60
Complainant's Goal: Water sewerage, drainage and chamber line is blocked and arrange to resolve
Complainant's Target: private job
Recent Comments
Dear Sir,
I am the resident of 113, bijli nagar, bicholi hapsi road, Indore (M.P.). In our colony, Water sewerage, drainage and chamber line is blocked and due to that dirty waters flows on the colony road and bad smells of this dirty water spreads in the entire colony. This may cause various types of disease to the colony residents. So Please arrange to resolve the problem as soon as possible. Thank you Sir.