SBI Credit Cards - Cheated by SBI Credit Card Gift360 Scheme
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Complaint by: V S Nigam on January 28, 2011, 11:14 pm in Credit Cards
This is complaint against fraud done by SBI credit cards division by means of gift360 scheme where amount was deducted but no product was sent in return. The sum of Rs.4678 was deducted from the credit card for two products(Product code: 2441 & 2442 as per Gift360) but till date the products are not being sent, neither is SBI Credit cards division taking any responsibility to either send the products or revert back the charges. I am helpless to this fraud being made to me and request severe punishment for SBI Credit Cards division and justice to prevail.
Complainant's Goal: I want my money back with intrest that was forcibly charged
Complainant's Target: SBI Credit Cards
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An email communication has been sent to SBI Credit Cards on January 28, 2011, 11:14 pm