Railway Station Management - Brokers for Railway Ticket
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Complaint by: amit on February 26, 2012, 12:07 pm in Public Transportation and Taxi

Hi ,

I went to Madan mahal station at 5:00 in mornimg for tatkal ticket
from Jabalpur to Pune ,and I saw only one person was standing in que
for first window,so I stood after him in que ,but at 6:00 I saw around
15-20 more people came there and started to fight to come first into
the que ,and after few minutes in each que around 3 -4 people were
standing first ,from those 20 people ,then sombody told me they work
for some ticket agent who pays them money to buy ticket .
I went to RPF but didn't find anyone there.
I didn't see any railway police there to handle those pepole,and after
long time someone from RPF came there but did nothing and ,somebody
told me these people also pay to Police to not to come there and do
nothing .
Railway has to take care of those agents and gundas and make sure that
only citizen should get ticket there not anyone else .

Please take action ,or plese forward this mail to relevent department
,or sent me mail of relevent person .

Complainant's Goal: To Remove all agents from reservation Counter and to make RPF responsible
Complainant's Target: Railway Station Management
Complaint Location: IndiaMadhya PradeshJabalpur
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