HUDA - Unsatisfied by HUDA, Municipal corporation gurgaon
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Complaint by: sjk on February 6, 2012, 7:03 pm in Building and Construction

This Complaint is regarding a NALA and a sewage system running in our colony of PALAM VIHAR, GURGAON. I have been living here for the past five years with this problem persisting every now and then. I am told everytime that HUDA's sewage line to which our drainage connects is at a higher level than our so our manholes get choked therefore filling my basement with sewage water. Now i am told that the main line which MCG is building near sector 3, ashok vihar and palam vihar is in process. That line is choked as of now. Because of this issue, palam vihar residents are facing a lot of problem. In my case the sewage water is percolating through the ground into my basement. I request HUDA and MCG to speed up their work. And look into the fact that the palam vihar line is connected to the main line.
please read the letter attached below which has been sent to the authorities without any response, after visit to their office almost every 2 days also.
thank you

Sub: Complaint regarding draining of Manhole in front of our house.

The Managing Director,
Profacilities Services Pvt.Ltd.
518,Udyog Vihar,Phase III,

Dear Sir,
I am a resident of E-2316,Palam Vihar,Gurgaon. This land comes under the ANSAL API group. I Copy this to ANSAL group because they promised us a sewage system in the first place. i feel cheated now after being told that Palam Vihar is a well developed colony.
Profac are the maintenance agency for palam vihar now, for some time.
With profound grief, I have to say that the Manhole in which our internal sewage line is connected is always full and the colony’s main sewage line to which this Manhole is connected is always choked .Due to this our internal line and Manholes in our premises are always full also resulting the sewer water percolating from our choked Manholes flooding our Basement with foul smelling water. This also results in back flow in our drain floor traps and W.C’s in kitchens and toilets.
This is not new phenomena, but existing for a very long time as the sewage system of Palam Vihar is not connected to main HUDA line. The sewage line was being cleaned periodically by SFML, previous maintenance agency on their own as they had evolved this system, but unfortunately you have not maintained this system and the line and Manholes get cleaned only after receiving a complain.
The colony’s Manhole in front of our house to which our line is connected was being drained automatically by SFML or whenever we complained in the past if necessary. In their time we never faced the flooding of basement problem.
Now the flooding of basement with foul water has become a regular phenomenon for the last so many days which is a very grave health hazard also.
The Manhole in front of our house is always full with colony’s sewage and the line is always choked as there is no outlet and there is a blockage in the line somewhere according to your people. Because of this the Manhole is getting full within 12 to 18 hours after it is drained, that too on our complain. As it is they have started ignoring our complaint and take a very long time to drain the Manhole.
It is unfortunate that on 3rd February 2012 at 6.00PM we had to tell your supervisor in a very strong and stern tone to get the Manhole cleaned immediately, as he was not willing to get it done citing late hours and as the Basement had started flooding again. Eventually he sent the persons with the tanker and got the Manhole drained. It is not understood, how could he refuse to get the desired work done when it is a legitimate request from a resident paying full maintenance charges to Pro Fac.
Now on 4th February 2012 afternoon at about 2.00PM only after about 20 hours of draining the Manhole on the 3rd February, the Manhole was full again and foul water was flowing in our basement. We again requested your supervisor but he refused to take action and told us that we have to register the complain in the office of Pro Fac. We registered the complain in the office but it is unfortunate that nobody came to drain the Manhole.
It is to intimate that any mishap due to not draining the Manhole in time shall be the responsibility of Pro Fac entirely.
You are the agency contracted by Ansal API to carry out the maintenance of the colony and it is expected that the quality of maintenance and prompt response to the complains, at least by the residents who are paying full maintenance charges are taken up on priority and urgently. This shall also enhance your reputation and image in the broader context.
It is requested that you may instruct your concerned officials to take prompt action on complains received so that the action is taken quickly and problem solved at the earliest.
It is again reiterated that the problem of choked sewer line and filled Manholes in front of our house may be solved urgently without delay and till that time, the Manhole in front of our house should be drained every day to avoid foul water percolating in the basement.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,

Ex Chief Architect-NDMC
Chief Architect-CPWD (Retd)
+91 ********77
+91 ********97

Copy to:
1. Officer in charge of Palam Vihar, Ansal API,115,Ansal Bhawan,16,Kasurba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110 001.
You are requested to advise Pro Fac-The Maintenance agency of Palam Vihar-to take prompt action in the matter mentioned in the above mentioned letter.
2. Officer in charge of Palam Vihar, Pro Fac, Spanish Court, Palam Vihar,Gurgaon.
It is reiterated that the problem of chocked sewer line and filled Manholes in front of our house may be solved urgently without delay and till that time, the Manhole in front of our house should be got drained every day to avoid foul water percolating in the basement.

Complainant's Goal: To get the Sewage and drainage system of Palam vihar sorted.
Complainant's Target: HUDA
Complaint Location: IndiaHaryanaGurgaon
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Mon, 06 Feb 2012  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to HUDA on February 6, 2012, 7:03 pm