HUDA - plot payment
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Complaint by: krishan on April 22, 2016, 12:38 pm in Government and Police
that i am allotte of plot no. 145 sec56 Farie said faridabad and i have deposited Rs 5000/- against the installment of said plot at huda office faridabad through D.D no.824541 dated 11/12/2015 and a receipt was issued by the huda office vide no 515881 dated 14/12/2015 but the said amount has been deposited in other plots account due this reason the said amount could deposit in my account and i have given a complaint to the estate officer faridabad but till today amount of rs 5000/- did not deducted from my account.
Complainant's Goal: huda plot payment issue
Complainant's Target: HUDA
Recent Comments
Sir I live in sector-91 which is near shehatpur. In this sector most of plot are open without construction so these plots will make theft home in night.please sir give an order for construction on those plots owner. Thank you