Tata Teleservices Ltd. - Tata Photon Plus INternet card - Overchargin invoices
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Complaint by: Mayur on January 26, 2011, 12:23 pm in Internet Related

This is regarding complaint of my Tata Photon Plus INternet card.
> Account Number ********0
> Tata Indicom No. 0********05
> I took the photon Plus card from an authorized dealer (Trishala MArketing, B 14, Bubna

House, Kandiwali West) on Sept 1, 2010.
> The scheme was I pay Rs. 2400/- as a one time payment, which will include 3
> months of rental (Rs. 950)
> But Tata Indicom is asking me to pay the bill generated on Dec 5, 2010.
> I told them that as per scheme, my payment for 90 days is already included.
> To that their argument is my first bill was generated on Sep 5 itself!!
> HOw can you generate a bill in 4 days?
> So he says your 3 bills were generated Sept 5, Oct 5 and Nov 5. So I have
> to pay the bill of DEc 5!
> This is ridiculous as I took the card only on Sept 1. So TATA should have
> started generating my bills from Oct 1.
> In effect, this is cheating. I was told that 3 months will be included; but
> I ended up getting only 2 months, 4 days.
> I called toll free customer care (1********1) many times (Mr. Ravi and
> Mr. Chetan) and they said he will fwd my complaint.
Complaint number - 247497115
> Nothing seems to have been done.
> I have also put in a card closure request as on Dec 15 (Request no.
> 246774247)
>> My bill as on Dec 5 is Rs. 1116 and I am not going to pay this.

I have also written many mails in the last month to

None of these official TATA complaint forums have resolved my matter

Many officals called me over the phone and finally told me that my complaint has been resolved and I wont have to clear teh invoices.
But then teh collection dept still calls me and asks for payments!!
WHen I email the above addresses, even they say that I have to pay!

There is absolutely no cordination amonsgt the departments of Tata Tele!

Would be glad if the Consumer Forum can follow up

Complainant's Goal: Waiver of the incorrect bills that they have charged me
Complainant's Target: Tata Teleservices Ltd.
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraMumbai
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Recent Comments
Mon, 21 Mar 2011  uday satpute

I support this complaint.
My tata photon connection is disconnect to next month. My account no is ********2.

Tue, 01 Feb 2011 - Business Reply from - Tata Indicom (Tata Teleservices Ltd.)

Dear Mr.Mayur

Greetings from Tata Indicom!

We would like to inform you that, our team spoke to you and updated you that the billing was correct as per the tariff plan mentioned in CAF(Customer application form).

Should you require any further assistance please mail us at Customer.care@tatatel.co.in.

Thanks and Regards
Customer Care
Tata Indicom.

Thu, 27 Jan 2011 - Business Reply from - Tata Indicom (Tata Teleservices Ltd.)

Dear Mr.Mayur

Greetings from Tata Indicom!

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.

We would like to inform that your complaint has been put before the concerned department. We have accorded it top priority and are expressly working towards resolving it at the earliest. We should revert to you shortly, request you to kindly bear with us in the interim.

Should you require any further assistance please mail us at Customer.care@tatatel.co.in.

Thanks and Regards
Customer Care
Tata Indicom.

Wed, 26 Jan 2011  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Tata Teleservices Ltd. on January 26, 2011, 12:23 pm