Pantel Technologies - T-Pad not working
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Complaint by: Imtiaz on July 17, 2012, 11:17 pm in Consumer Electronics
Sir, I purchased T-Pad (Dispatch Date 6/8/2012 Docket No.4********) but it not working properly (after on it, restarts again and again and over heat) I send it back by DTDC to Pantel Technologies, there is no response from them. Every time Customer care Phone is busy and no response.
Complainant's Goal: I want T-Pad in working condition
Complainant's Target: Pantel Technologies
Complaint Location: India › Uttar Pradesh
Recent Comments
Pantel has a very nice customer service channel online as well... i tried using it and they respond pretty fast on twitter.
You should also submit your complaint on the twitter handle and I am sure it will get addressed by pantel.