shopyourworld - shopyourworld supposedly selling stolen goods
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Complaint by: chhaaya on January 2, 2011, 12:19 pm in Online Shopping

I pursuance of my earlier complaint,someone called Abhishek has stated that a Kindle can easily be registered or deregistered irrespective of where it was bought from .However he has not given any contact information,to contact him.
Amazon has clearly stated it cannot register any Kindle bearing the serial no. listed on mine.After doing a little online research I find that many people in the U.S. buy Kindles from Amazon and say they haven't received them when in fact they have. So Amazon sends them a new one and deregisters the earlier Kindle so it can never be used.In the meantime these people sell those Kindles and dubious companies like shopyourword buy them apparently for cheap rates.And now it seems like I am stuck with one such stolen Kindle that I can do nothing with.Morever I also called up their customer support in Seattle in the U.S. to do some realtime fixing of the Kindle but they were unable to even recognize the device as it has been deregistered by Amazon itself.The TIN no. of the Kindle is TIN0164989US and of the cover is TIN0164986US.I would be really grateful if the company shopyourworld could refund my Rs.18,148 as early as possible,as this is causing me some serious grief.Would you please resolve this case for me?

Complainant's Goal: immediate refund of Rs.18,148
Complainant's Target: shopyourworld
Complaint Location: IndiaPanjim
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Sat, 18 Jun 2011  Ashish Jacob

If the fact that 04 out of my five purchases made through SYW were seriously bungled did not swear me off them. Blatant lying, continually reneging on promises and extremely POOR customer support has ensured that I would never dare to do business with these unprofessional people again. Intend dragging these people to consumer court in the coming week. People you have been warned. Documentary proof of misdemeanor if required can be provided by writing to me as pjashish at the rate of gmail dot com so that no that no one else ever has to go through the harassment I went through.

Sun, 02 Jan 2011  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to shopyourworld on January 2, 2011, 12:19 pm