- Online Fraud, Credit Card Charged!!!
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Complaint by: Ashwin on August 19, 2014, 5:39 pm in Internet Related

Dear Sirs,

I received one advertising email saying I will get 6 Cinema tickets For just Rs50/- SO on 9th August I went on their webpage AND they were showing only Rs50 on their screen, then they asked for my card details for payment AND I placed order, then no any proper thank you page OR no any email receipt from them. Then I was shocked when I got SMS from hsbc saying my card has been charged Rs1730/- !!!!

After that I sent 3-4 emails to (they don't have phone number on their site!) BUT still after 5 days, not a single reply from them!!!! I have been using credit card on internet from last 14 years BUT this is the time I have seen this type of fraud, showing RS50 on screen AND charging credit card for Rs1730/- !!!

I have also attached other 3 screenshots JPG files, details given below....

1: "Rs50CinemaTickets-Email.jpg" -> This is the screenshot of email I received from them saying I will get 6 cinema tickets for Rs50.
2: "Rs50CinemaTickets-WebPage1.jpg" -> After clicking on their email ad, this is the first webpage comes where they ask for email address.
3: "Rs50CinemaTickets-WebPage2.jpg" -> this is the second webpage (after providing my email address) where they are asking for card details.

[I took all the these screenshots after I got cheated, I clicked on email ad AND followed all the procedure again to get all screenshots for proof]

You can see on above given all screenshots there is nothing written about Rs1730 , only written is Rs50/- ONLY

This is professional fraud from Beware of this cheat website.

I have filed credit card charge dispute with my bank HSBC.

So how can you help me in this issue????

Ashwin Kawa

Complainant's Goal: Refund
Complainant's Target:
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraMumbai
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Tue, 19 Aug 2014  sonal singh

I received one advertising email saying I will get 6 Cinema tickets For just Rs50/- SO on 9th August I went on their webpage AND they were showing only Rs50 on their screen, then they asked for my card details for payment AND I placed order, then no any proper thank you page OR no any email receipt from them. Then I was shocked when I got SMS from hsbc saying my card has been charged Rs1730/- !!!!