Hyderabad Traffic Police - Santh nagar rayathu bazaar traffic issue
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Complaint by: HanumanthaRao on April 29, 2010, 12:37 pm in Government and Police
At Sanath nagar rayathu bazaar entry gate adjacent, mobile fruit shops are plenty parked in the road side only. Almost 50% of the road occupied by this fruit shops only. Police & traffic police are aware about the issue, but there not taking any action to clear the road block. Daily office hours (peak traffic time) always traffic jam only. four wheeler &two wheeler having lot of problem facing due to illegal occupation of road side shops.
Almost road width 50 % occupied by fruit shops, all are permanently selling there fruits, police are in active.
Complainant's Goal: sanath nagar rayathu bazaar entry place traffice jam has to cleared
Complainant's Target: Hyderabad Traffic Police
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An email communication has been sent to Hyderabad Traffic Police on May 1, 2010, 1:52 pm