Hyper market kart - Online ordered items in hypermarketkart.com site not delivered
Contact Complainant 1449 Views Report Spam
Complaint by: G Udayakumar on September 17, 2017, 7:07 pm in Online Shopping
My online shipping Order # 100003356 dated 12/09/2017 thru their website hypermarketkart.com for 4557.00 rupees is not yet delivered. As per their mail order confirmation dated 12/09/2017, it will be delivered by 16/09/2017. Till now it is not delivered. Their contact number 011-32032092 as mentioned in their mail is not working. I had sent mail to support@hypermarketkart.com, but not responded. In their website it is showing that the order delivered on 12/09/2017. I am enclosing their mail pdf copy as an attachment for your reference.
Please take proper action against them and arrange to refund my amount.
Complainant's Goal: Please arrange to refund my amount of 4557.00 rupees.
Complainant's Target: Hyper market kart
Recent Comments
i have also given an order on 30th Aug. till date i have not received my delivery. i have given mail to all their address but they have not reply the single one. their mobile and phone both are always switch off. I am not getting what to do. please anyone guide me. thanks