Hyper market kart - Fake shopping site Hyper Market Kart online
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Complaint by: Ashish Kumar on September 24, 2017, 2:58 pm in Online Shopping

My online shipping Order # 100001979 dated 13/09/2017 thru their website hypermarketkart.com for 3612.00 rupees is not yet delivered. As per their mail order confirmation dated 10/09/2017, it will be delivered by 16/09/2017. Till now it is not delivered. Their contact number 011-32032092 & ********81 as mentioned in their mail is not working and all are with-off. I had sent mail to support@hypermarketkart.com, but not responded. In their website it is showing that the order delivered on 10/09/2017.
Times of India had an full 1st page Ad promoting on 10/09/17 and 3rd page Ad promoting HypermarketKart and its 50 % discount offer. we ordered after getting influenced by the order.so i ordered the product worth Rs 7424/- and paid the amount 3612/-.Even though we had doubts we ordered worth Rs.3612. However,no time and address of delivery came. only just SMS on my mobile no came that on 16th sept they will delivered theproduct,after that no any message/mai or communication.Then i realised that this was a fraud company.will take legal actions against the company.
Please take proper action against them and arrange to refund of Rs 3612/- to my amount.

Complainant's Goal: Refund of my money for Rs3612/- to my and taking of Action on such fake website.
Complainant's Target: Hyper market kart
Complaint Location: IndiaGujaratAhmedabad
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Recent Comments
Thu, 02 Nov 2017  Parag Shah

Same happened with me.. I lost my Rs.5500/-. Can anyone help me out? has anyone got money back?

Sun, 08 Oct 2017  G M Rathod

Exactly the same, ditto to ditto happened with me. My order number is 100002173 of 1oth Sept.

They are fraudsters can be tracked by police through Bank account where online money is collected.

G M Rathod

Tue, 26 Sep 2017  kamal SHARMA

I purchased material from hypermarket on 10th sept which was promised to be delivered on 16th sept till date it has not come and ther contact no is switched off . These guys are fraud let me know how to get my money refunded

Tue, 26 Sep 2017  Vijay

Dear Sir
After placing my order to Hyper Market Kart/Quince Foods and Beverages(with reference to full page advertisement in Times of India dated 11-09-2017) for grocery at the mobile app of Hypermarket kart on 11th September 2017 and subsequent online payment of Rs.2939.50 thru Axis bank net banking, I received one sms saying ordered grocery shall be delivered on 16 September 2017. But till today i have not received any delivery of ordered grocery. I have also requested them for refund if they can not deliver the goods but no refund is received till today.
Therefore i request you to GRAHAK SURAKSHA to kindly take legal action against Hyper Market Kart/Quince Foods and Beverages. Also request you to intervene in this matter so that they are forced to either deliver the ordered goods or they should refund the full amount transferred in their account through net banking.
