Offerbeanonline services Pvt Ltd - -Product purchased on 2nd Aug 2012,Still not delivered
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Complaint by: Syed on August 17, 2012, 12:15 pm in Online Shopping
Hi,I had purchased a Samsung Ace duos Mobile phone worth 12,900 on Aug 2nd 2012.Inspite of the payment being successful through CC Avenues,I am yet to receive the handset which was committed on the website that the same will be delivered in 2-4 working days.
I had been writing daily e-mails and doing phone calls but till date no one has responded.Also I had send someone at the given Address location but no such company exist.I had been requesting CC Avenues to provide me the Account number and bank name of offerbeans so as the same can be freeze but even they are not providing those details.
Complainant's Goal: Want the delivery of the Phone which i had purchased else refund the money back
Complainant's Target: Offerbeanonline services Pvt Ltd
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An email communication has been sent to Offerbeanonline services Pvt Ltd on August 17, 2012, 12:15 pm