Indian Railways - Never Comming Train
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Complaint by: ravi on July 21, 2009, 2:01 pm in Indian Railways
Respected sir,
My Name is Ravi Kumar, I am from Tenali, I am douing a job on Guntur. I am Travelling by Train Daily Morning by 352 passenger and evening 416 passenger from Guntur to Tenali regularly. Now a day\' s , the 416 passenger train was comming by late from last three months, we have given complaints to ASM so many times but they did\'t take any action and they did not pay any attenssion. They are not responding. So please kindly forword this complaint to hihger otherities. and take the nessory action.
Please go through the Train runing chart i mean arraivel and depature time bitween from Macharla and Tenali for the conformation.
Thanking you Sir.
Complainant's Goal: i want to solution for the late . Run with out delay
Complainant's Target: Indian Railways
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An email communication has been sent to Indian Railways on July 22, 2009, 11:37 am