Amul India - Misbehavior by amul assistance sales manager calcutta
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Complaint by: Sandep on April 10, 2010, 1:06 pm in Others

We are one of the retailer in Kolkata West Bengal having a turnover of Rs.17 lacs of AMUL Products.

On 9/04/2010 one of your Asst. Sales Manager Mr. Kaushik Chakroborty visited our outlet (not an official visit) just from no where started using bad language and told us that

no amul product will be sold to us as we had not kept them in a refrigerator.

Did Mr. Chakroborty knows that the delivery van of the distributors appointed by them are the normal van and does not have any temperature controlled devise installed in it.

Secondly the distributor who is supplying us the Amul Mozzarella Cheese 1 Kg pack. does not have the deep freezer in his stock point.

Thirdly the Amul product which are delivered to us around 3.30 pm after noon are loaded in there delivery van at 9 am in the morning what happens to the product between this time although none of the amul product mention that they can sustain at a temperature of 38 degree celcius.


Who will teach Mr. Chakroborty that he should improve his distribution system first and then guide retailers about the same.

Again if Mr. Chakroborty has any problem with us he should have used the official channel for the same but in contrary he started using slang’s and broked our glass furniture.

As far as I know sales managers are there to improve the sales of the company but Mr. Chakroborty is there to decrease the same. I personally does not about his performance but his attitude depicts the same.

I seriously think that Mr. Chakroborty needs to be given a training of public communication and only then he should step in the market.

Your early reply in this regard will be highly praised

Sanjay Agarwal

Complainant's Goal: To prevent the image of the company which is being destroyed by the company mgrs
Complainant's Target: Amul India
Complaint Location: IndiaWest BengalKolkata
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Recent Comments
Tue, 05 May 2015  MANISH AGRAWAL

I support Mr. Sandip and Mr. Hemant. It is true, when off season started Ice Cream Distributor holding APo owner's leg and at Peak Season the same person showing the real face and want to be greased on their back to get the products like icecream. They also dont bother Sales Incharge also. These distributors change colours like chameleon. I have 2 deep freezer. 2nd one was purchased 2 months back. Still the icecream distributor not supplying the products.

Wed, 02 Oct 2013  hasan siddique

I support this complaint.

Tue, 10 May 2011  amrita

i amritaroy want to have some informant about doing hr from amul company im doing MBA in humenresource so i will be plesed if i can gather some information about it

Mon, 19 Apr 2010  Hemant

I support this complaint. Also, during such Peak seasonal Hours, these persons donot supply the products in time& regularly, which leads to shortage of product at the outlet.They have to be Greased in getting my bussiness move.Why such mismanagement & indiscplinity, which shatters the reutation of Esteemed Amul House.Kindly Act swiftly to Feel Smooth & Sweet.

Wed, 14 Apr 2010  a agarwal

I support this complaint.

Wed, 14 Apr 2010  anupam

I support this complaint.

Wed, 14 Apr 2010  vineet kumar agarwal

I support this complaint.

Sat, 10 Apr 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Amul India on April 10, 2010, 1:06 pm