Amul India - milk & other product not deliver on my registerd franchasee outlet
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Complaint by: hasan siddique on October 19, 2013, 11:17 am in Retail Stores

Dear sir/mdm,

I am hasan siddique from town lawad dist meerut UP. I am APO(siddique amul parlour chindouri road town lawad meerut) FRANCHASEE HOLDER.(CODE 3009524) and i sale milk pouch and butter milk on our outlet. and when take amul franchasee then promised me by company employee (Mr.Vinod bhatti ) that supply above product regulerly.then i deposit security many of 25000/rs (which is hold for 1 year by comapny). and as per said company employee, i purchased two DEEP FREEZER (Approx amt 70,000/ rs). and i spent 25000/rs for outlet innovation+elictricity meter.till now that i spent overall 2.25 lacs rupees for amul outlet.but now company employee and distributor said me that we are not deliver milk pouch and buttermilk on your outlet.if you want to sell pouch milk and buttermilk then self take from our distributor point by own vahicale.we are not responsible for deliver above product.if did'nt this do,then closed your outlet.many times call and emails send related employee but not took any action. sir i want to that is this right.if this is not right then supply properly above product on my outlet early.whenComparely mother dairy deliver our product easily on near the same saleout maximum quantity of MOTHER DAIRY in our areas .plz resolve my complain and send your valuable feedback.



Complainant's Goal: milk and other product deliver must be regulerly according of demand
Complainant's Target: Amul India
Complaint Location: IndiaUttar Pradesh
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