TIKONA DIGITAL NETWORK PVT. LTD. - Mental harasment by Tikona digital services and refund of money of Rs. 3798
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Complaint by: on April 19, 2013, 4:06 pm in Internet Related

I had tikona connection.
Service ID : 1102602416

I had surrendered the connection in Mumbai on 15-Oct-12 to representative (Mr Shailendra, ID no. 500045971) from Tikona. I had received invoice from Tikona in Nov'12, to which I had replied in return mail that the connection is already surrendered and closed and asked them to update their records and stop sending bills. Again i had received a invoice in the month of Dec'12, again I repied and forwarded them the receipt of full and final settlement which their representative has given to me.

After 4 months on 16th Apri'13, at 12.15 noon i received a call from Mr. Rajesh (01148121350) he told me he is calling from Delhi tis hazari court and a case is registered against my name, file no. is MW 1472013, he told me he will put the file in court at 2.00pm. When I had asked him the details about the case, he has given me the number of advocate Mr. Sanjay Agnihotri (0********53), and told me to talk to him. I had called the advocate, and he conveyed me that M/s TIkona Digital Serivices has registered a complaint against me, the total amount due is Rs. 3798 /-, and asked me to make the payment online on tikona website immediately in 15 mins, and given him the transaction number and he will stop and settle the case, he also scared me that if i dont do so, i will be forced to face the court on 18-04-13, and will be made to pay 10 times of the money.

I got scared and immediately made the payment online and given the transaction number to advocate and he said he will send me the NOC, which he has not sent yet.

After that i called 10 times to tikona customer care, dropped 4-5 mails, but I had not received any response from them.

Request you to please register my complaint against the company, and help me to get my money back, also punish the company for mentally harassing me for the amount which was not at all due against my name.


Shailendra Parihar

Complainant's Goal: Refund of money of Rs 3798 and punishment to company
Complaint Location: IndiaUttar PradeshGautam Buddha Nagar
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Wed, 22 May 2013  Kishore

Hi, Even I am getting a call from the number 01148121350 and the person introduced himself as he is calling from Delhi High Court. He stated that I have some complaint launch against me in Delhi High Court and he gave me the number of some advocate Sunny Agnihotri (0********24). He asked me to make the payment of Rs. 2963/- immediately within 20 minutes.

The person who called me from so called Delhi High Court was asking me for my credit card or debit card details to make the payment to TIKONA.

I had a very bad experience with TIKONA people. They never provide me a good service.

Thank god I have not made the payment neither I gave my Credit Card details to this people.

Tue, 21 May 2013  chandra Sekhar


These calls are not from Delhi high court, these calls have been made by a 3rd party agency called "Hi-Tek" group. This agency is hired by Tikona digital services. I had a very bad experience with these people. One busy monday morning they called me and threatened me, mentally harrassed and cheated that I have outstanding amount of Rs.5276 while the original amount is Rs.2276 he himself claimed as Mr.Karan assistant of his lawyer Mr.chetan I came under pressure and transacted through credit. He didn't even given me time to find how much is my outstanding amount and worst part is he was telling if I am sending a notice to you, you have to come and face the trail directly to Delhi High court after transacting I realized that according to tikona terms and conditions all disputes will come under Mumbai jurisdiction so later I found I had been cheated by this greedy Tikona people. Even while I was using this connection it was not at all working fine and I told them to disconnect the connection immediately but they disconnected after 1 month just to get 1 month payment. Tikona is ruled and supported by bunch of greedy people. When I asked for refund of my extra Rs.3k they told I have to reclaim by filling a charge back form in the bank. This is the foul game played by Tikona. This is heights of greediness.

After little research through various internet sources I learnt that this is all the work of this so called agencies "Hi-tek group". Later I called that company I found that Karan is one of their employee and chetan is his manager.

So I dont know how can I take this issue over to consumer court. If anyone would like to file a group petition on "Tikona" and "Hi-tek" group for Mental Harassment, Cheating, causing disgrace to High court and hiding the facts.

Please let me know if anyone want to file a group petition as I am fed up with these tikona people. They have one of the worst customer supports and pathetic internet services. Please reach me out to hmchandra(at)gmail(dot)com

Wed, 24 Apr 2013  Krish


Why did you paid to them if you didnt used it?

I have made the connection 2 years back and from day 1 it was not working properly and with frequent disconnection. Inspite of regular complaints, they didnt care to take action. So I asked them to take back the machines and to cancel the service. But after 1 year they sent invoice for 3 months. Infact I was moved from that location almost 6 months prior to that invoice date. Still this idiot is calling me and threatening me that he is calling from Delhi high court.

It is a criminal offence to misuse the delhi high court name. I have emailed tikona and they called me immediately and asked me an uncoditional apology and promised me that they never revealed my name and contact name to any collection agencies. But again I am getting regular calls.

The guy who called me from delhi even speaks in Tamil. He has used many bad words. Everything has been recorded and I am going to file a case against them very soon as they are misusing delhi high courts name and threatening everyone unnecessarily.