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Complaint by: L.RATHINAM on March 17, 2011, 12:47 pm in Health and Medical Stores

My name is L. Rathinam (43/M) from Naganallur, Chennai. I was working in Malaysia as a Software Consultant. Two years (Nov 2008) back I had leg pain and went to consult Dr. Mayil Vahanan Natarajan at M. N. Orthopedic Hospital, No. 14, Bank Street, Kilpauk, Chennai -600010. After consulting he asked me to take biopsy in spine. After seeing the results he told me that, he can’t find anything from the biopsy and asked me to undergo the surgery in the spine to recover well from the leg pain.
As per his advice I admitted in the hospital for the spine surgery. During the surgery Dr. Mayil Vahanan came to the operation theater in lungi (sarong) and did the operation. After surgery I had lost sensation of motion, urine and right leg completely. When we asked the Dr. Mayil Vahanan about the newly developed problems he said, we need to do another (2nd) surgery to bring it to normal. We were shocked hearing this and asked him why it is necessary and please explain. He said, okay then surgery is not necessary now lets wait for a month time and see the progress and then we can decide. After 3-4 months the problem still exists and the left leg started paining. My family decided to check with another hospital and that doctor took CT scan and found there was cancer.
We immediately went back to Dr. Mayil Vahanan with the report and asked him why you didn’t check cancer. He replied, I am the No. 1 doctor for cancer and dean in government general hospital (GH), Chennai. Tamilnadu government is behind me and supports me.
Now, its almost two years the problems motion and urine sensation and leg pain still exists. Due to these problems I was not able to go to work and suffering a lot both physically and economically. I have met and asked his for the solution but there is no positive reply till now. All I want now is a JUSTICE. I want Dr. Mayil Vahanan to correct my problems or pay me the compensation for the damage caused. I have the proof of all the diagnosis and doctor reports for the above mention problem.
Dr. Mayil Vahanan and the team who did the operation:
Dr.Karthic kailash.
These all doctors wrongly diagnose and these all doctors are not good,this is my own opinion.Please contact me for further details.I launch complaint to tamil nadu medical council & Medical council of india.My Contact email:alrathinam@yahoo.com,
contact phone-********28or 0065-********.

L. Rathinam

Complainant's Goal: I want rectify my health problem which is he create or give me commonsation.
Complainant's Target: M N ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITAL
Complaint Location: IndiaTamil NaduChennai
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Mon, 06 Nov 2017  srinivasan murthy

L5 Disc bullege

Sat, 25 Feb 2012  Gayathri

Hello sir i will pray for you

Thu, 24 Mar 2011  waqar

mr nathiram i can understand ur problem but its not doctor fault.u've spinal cancer thts why u r facing all these problem . we also face such type of cases . we all will pray for u tht Almighty cure ur disease