Karbonn Mobiles - k450 lcd damaged internaly under wranty but center says v have to pay for it
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Complaint by: vishalranga on September 7, 2009, 12:14 am in Consumer Electronics
purchased k450 of lcd is damaged within the time period of waranty and the customer center says that we have to pay for it[rs1272] then what\'s the benifit of givin waranty ,another problenm is that service center is difficult to reach ,so please guide us that what should we do either we should go to consumer court or what else ,the mobile phones you are providing are very delicate or you can say that thes are the copy of chinese mobile phones giving waranty but of no use so please give us the way out this trap spread u as your started giving minor problems from the second day of purchase
from your un satisfied customer
Complainant's Goal: change the lcd at free of cost
Complainant's Target: Karbonn Mobiles
Complaint Location: India › chandigarh
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An email communication has been sent to Karbonn Mobiles on September 10, 2009, 11:21 am