Apple India - Iphone 5s is not charging
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Complaint by: on November 15, 2016, 12:38 pm in Mobile and Cell Phones

Dear Apple,

I purchased iPhone 5s 16gb Space Grey from Apple store Noida on June 2016 with the IMEI 3520********886. Here I’m summarizing my story:

Case Details:

Job Number (Provided by Service center) : MVDEL04111613568
IMEI: 3520********886
Serial Number: DX4RD1EZFRC4
Case ID (Provided by Apple customer care) : 100058316855

After month since I purchased, there was some charging issue sometimes, sometimes not, It was like some glitch in charging port but it did not bother me much so it was fine. Last month I have severe issue for the same then I visited to apple service center(Radius System Pvt Ltd- Mayur vihar Delhi) and they inserted some pin and brush on it which in turned charging. Few days back, again I have same issue (not charging) so as usual again I had to go service center where they checked the phone and asked charging port pin is not working which does not come under warranty so I have to pay Rs.23000/ for exchange. after that i made a call to Apple customer care along with service center person in conference call then they were ready to submit my phone. After 2-3 days they changed their words and asked "charging pin has been damaged" in spite of "charging pin is not working" and shared some pics with customer care team. Even I requested both team to put me in CC so that I could aware what was going on but none of them put me in mail thread. Now Apple care team put my case closed by saying- "pin has been damaged, nothing could be done on this". I have asked many time to senior supervisor that I need some discussion with manager but since last 7 days i did not received any call from there. I again tried many time to senior supervisor and asked to transfer this call to manager, every times they asked me for call back but nothing happens. This is the worst support, I have ever been seen.

Team- I’m Sr. Software engineer and I know how to handle electronic gadgets. I know how to insert USB cable in charging jack and take it out. This could not leads to destruction of pins, if it is so then it proves the quality of your product for which I have paid money. I think it’s for two reason which makes us to buy APPLE products.

 quality of product
 service

But this time you really made me very disappointed. Even you guys didn’t try to understand, how could internal part of phone (1-2 inch inside upper surface of phone body) be damaged by USB cable. Please help me to resolve this otherwise I have to vanish my trust on APPLE for the whole life.

If you are not a right team then please escalate this to concerned team.

Best Regards,
Amit Nigam
+91 ********31

Complainant's Goal: so that my phone could charge as fine
Complainant's Target: Apple India
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiNew Delhi
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Recent Comments
Tue, 21 Feb 2017  Vandana mehra

Take a strict action on this matter.

Apple India — Worst Service and Product Quality Disappointing

I Bought an iPhone 6s with 64GB on _21_May 2016 from Hyderabad the phone just went dead while was on a call. Since my phone was in warranty, I went to iCare, Bangalore to get it fixed. Keeping full faith, I handed over my phone to the service center where after 2 days they informed me that my phone cannot be exchanged and made a report mentioning that my phone has external damages, which is not the case, My phone does not have any external damages as mentioned in the report (please find attached the reference images).

I am extremely disappointed with Apple, I have always regarded Apple very highly. I have been using apple products since 4 years, but have never experienced such a bad service.

What is the difference between your and other brand.

Kindly look into the matter and replace my iphone at the earliest, otherwise, I will have to seek help from the consumer court of India.