I bought iPhone 5s in March 2016, but from day 1, I am facing problem with network.
once phone gets in to "No Service" mode, it can't get network until reboot.
I have tried changing SIM, Networks etc. but it didn't help.
I got a replacement once, and the new handset again has the same issue.
and within two months its touch started behaving strangely.
this time I was told that it will be replaced, but to my surprise, service center called me and told it is repaired.
I don't want a repaired piece. and now its more than 2 weeks I don't have a phone.
I tried calling and Mailing Apple and but they are also very reluctant to help.
I a planning to file complaint in Court against apple for poor quality and service.
let me know, if you can help me here.
Aviral Chawda