SPiDiGO Internet Broadband Services - I am not satisfied with spidigo service
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Complaint by: hetal on February 17, 2010, 3:44 pm in Internet Related


i had read all the comments/complains on spidigo on Indian consumer complaint forum. i gave my this complain there too and sending you a same copy to help me.
my complain is nothing new. i took broadband connection of spidigo on 12th jan. and my plan is 512kbps in day time and 1mbps at night. since i had take their connection i couldnt got atlest 256kbps speed. for one month they told me that their bandwidth work is progress so the problem is. from 12th jan to till now i dont get speed for which i had paid 3500rs in advance. i had gave so many mails about termination of their service as they told me to do for cancelation of their connection but still i dont get my refund nor any answer from them. since my first complain, they send a person to check my speed and waste my whole day in doing somthing and finaly their answer same that i cant get full speed of 512kbps.
where should i go for my refund and where should i do complain against this fraud company? i am sending you a copy of mail which i had lastly submit there,

from hetal parikh hide details 1:14 pm (2 hours ago)
to fulchand.shinde@spidigo.com
date Feb 17, 2010 1:14 PM
subject Fwd: termination of connection
mailed-by gmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: hetal parikh
Date: Feb 9, 2010 11:49 AM
Subject: termination of connection
To: support@spidigo.com

hi mr. fulchand,
- Hide quoted text -
i had sent this copy on support and broadband addresses. i just want to terminate my connection so kindly make my refund as early as you can.

dear spidigo,
i want to discontinue/terminate my internet connection due to speed reason. your marketing person confirmed me that i will get 512kbps speed at day ours and 1mbps at night. but i couldnt got more than 230kbps speed ever nor at night as you people commited. so many times your tech. persons had visited my place for my query but they failed. i had assured by one of your tech. person by phone that speed issue will shot out in just one day, after 5 days of his telling i am writting this mail. i just fadeup and want my money back. i feel i was cheated, but stil waiting to go consumar foram. as early as possible give my full check back and cancel this fack connection you gave by cheat. this mail i had sent you early too on 2nd feb. than after they told that my plan is 256 revolution so my speed wil be only acording to 256kbps !!!!!. this is their answer should be? than after they told me that they will extend my full month cause fult was from their side from my activation date, now they are telling that they can only extend 8 days. how can i belive and faith on their talks now? at the activation time no body told me that between 6 to 8 pm and 6 to 8 am my speed will be 256kbps. thats not cheating? at the activation time i asked your person that first i would like to see demo than i will decide to take your connection but he told that they give demo only if i have conform to take their connection. and that time nobody told me that their bandwidth is in upgradition so i will suffer for month long. what i expect from you now? so first give me my full payment back. this time i dont want to wait for any answer from your side, just want my money back than we will talk on speed. i will wait this week only for my payment.

hetal parikh
204, supath appartment,
vijay cross road
mob- ********69
user id- hetal.parikh

please help me for my refund and take appropriate step against this company so in future non of them cheat us like this.

Complainant's Goal: my full refund
Complaint Location: IndiaGujaratAhmedabad
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Recent Comments
Sat, 10 Aug 2013  Hardik Mistry

i want to discontinue/terminate my internet connection due to speed reason. your marketing person confirmed me that i will get 512kbps speed at day ours and 1mbps at night. but i couldnt got more than 230kbps speed ever nor at night as you people commited. so many times your tech. persons had visited my place for my query but they failed. i had assured by one of your tech. person by phone that speed issue will shot out in just one day, after 5 days of his telling i am writting this mail. i just fadeup and want my money back. i feel i was cheated, but stil waiting to go consumar foram. as early as possible give my full check back and cancel this fack connection you gave by cheat. this mail i had sent you early too on 2nd feb. than after they told that my plan is 256 revolution so my speed wil be only acording to 256kbps !!!!!. this is their answer should be? than after they told me that they will extend my full month cause fult was from their side from my activation date, now they are telling that they can only extend 8 days. how can i belive and faith on their talks now? at the activation time no body told me that between 6 to 8 pm and 6 to 8 am my speed will be 256kbps. thats not cheating? at the activation time i asked your person that first i would like to see demo than i will decide to take your connection but he told that they give demo only if i have conform to take their connection. and that time nobody told me that their bandwidth is in upgradition so i will suffer for month long. what i expect from you now? so first give me my full payment back. this time i dont want to wait for any answer from your side, just want my money back than we will talk on speed. i will wait this week only for my payment.

Sun, 28 Jul 2013  dipakpatel

For last 5 days we are complaining daily for non functioning of our net and in last 2and half months ,we would have complained for more than 30 times.at present we arent satisfied with you service,now lastly I want to contact the higher authority personnel,because there is urgent need of internet and i am without it for last 5 days,is that so that people with better plans get better services?

Tue, 21 Sep 2010  Sandeep Rana

I am using sipdigo internate from last morethan six months, but since 4 to 5 days i am not able t browse the indiatimes mail due to some ur server problem.
I have already spoke with ur customer care but they are not able to solve the problem, they told me that this was indiatimes site itself problem.
I can browse the indiatimes ID through other internate service (Reliance) provider.

SO kindly try to sort out the problem as you can, otherwise i have to switch to another provider.

Wed, 11 Aug 2010  Harsh

This is very good Broadband but this speed is poor......

Fri, 06 Aug 2010  Shiven

I support this complaint. I can't get proper response regarding my compaints. when ever i call them they says that our technician will call you in few time....but not promising how much time they will take... What i have to do for their these behavior with their old customer. And also at the activation time no body told me that between 6 to 8 pm and 6 to 8 am my speed will be 256kbps. They make their customers but not take care of them...

Tue, 13 Jul 2010  pawan

i want to logout

Mon, 12 Jul 2010  Shailesh N. Patel

I support this complaint. My wireless SpidiGo connection doesn't provide more than 10kbps download speed while our SpidiGo plan is of 128kbps revolution speed and internet access speed is also poor.

Fri, 04 Jun 2010  arihant jain

I support this complaint.I have also a problem something like this.

Fri, 02 Apr 2010  Rajan

I support this complaint.Hi I am rajan patel and I have spidigo internet in my house but it is not at all good servic. i have plane of 256kbps + Bones mes my total Speed of Internet is 300kbps but I am geting onli speed of 4 to 5 kbps for Downloading evan it take so long to load one single page.... So I Just want tell you all those reading this complain Dont take this kind of Internet Service they only Chet us.......

Wed, 03 Mar 2010  kalpesh

I support this complaint. I believe this is an intentional fraud with the public. I am inviting like minded people to sue this company and ensure that all these people get refund and the management is punished so that they abstain from doing such fraudulent activities again.

Thu, 18 Feb 2010  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to SPiDiGO Internet & Broadband Services on February 18, 2010, 3:27 pm