Apple India - Hopeless Customer Support from Apple India - Case Number # 100067791245
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Complaint by: Rounak on January 12, 2017, 12:16 pm in Consumer Electronics

Hello Apple Team

This is in regards with Case Number # 1000******** (All the details are mentioned in the case)

The response from the Senior Adviser team was very unprofessional and pathetic. None of the team member had ever followed up for the case and never bothered for the resolution. Besides sending wrong information and fooling a paying customer with several non-sense reasons of being contacted, phone was switched off, emails sents as part of fake follow ups..

1) Asad
Spoke on: 12th Dec 2016
-This is the 1st point of contact who is new Joinee as per Amrita and hence had behaved arrogantly and have not pushed the case to the 2nd line

2) Amrita (Owner of the case)
Spoke on: 13th/14th Dec 2016
-Amrita took owneship of the case and agreed to provide Loaner device 1 month back. No follow up later. Yesterday she had denied to support in any other ways and asked to go straight to Apple service center and dump the device.

3) Rudra
Spoke on: A week back
- Rudra confirmed that all the Apple employees including are hopeless and cannot support. Had hanged up call without any notification and was super arrogant.

4) Bhupesh (Manager)
Spoke on: 11th Jan 2017
-This manager is good for nothing. Bhupesh calls in at midnight to repeat the same piece of information which his junior had already provided over the months time in 3-4 hours time slots.

Please take a strict action against such teams or rather the team members who keeps on forgetting there responsibilities for which they are being paid for and putting a Black mark of shame on Apple's face.

As there is no resolution on the case and mentioned team is just playing with the time and emotions of the customer, I would like to escalate the case to next level immediately and look forward for the ETR.


Complainant's Goal: Earliest resolution as bunch of people are taking over Apple's reputation.
Complainant's Target: Apple India
Complaint Location: IndiaHaryanaGurgaon
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Sat, 18 Mar 2017  Sunil Anand

Apple Support is most unhelpful unlike what it offers abroad.

I have an issue with Apple iPhone 6S display and they are refusing to take in the phone for changing the screen which has a cosmetic hair-line scratch. The phone is well within warranty period.Their quality of glass on the display panel is far inferior than what other makers are providing and they need to acknowledge their fault when pointed out.

They behave in a rude and arrogant manner with least concerns for the consumer.

This was my first and last product from Apple.