H D Motor Company India Private Limited - Harley Davidson Street 750 not being recalled for faulty brakes. Risking Lives
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Complaint by: UDHAM SINGH HOODA on November 14, 2016, 2:50 pm in Cars Parts and Vehicles

Indian muscle, with global aspirations. That's what we heard Harley Davidson claiming its much-hyped make-in-India Street 750 motorcycle. The real surprise and cheer was the 4.5 lacs price tag of this bike. While the price bought some smile to those who were new to the super bikes scene, soon that initial lot of Harley Davidson patrons in India were left with regrets. Customers who bought this bike in year 2014 and 2015 later realized that they spent their hard earned money on monster wheels with totally in-effective braking system due to inferior quality parts used to save few dollars. Also, many individual reviews claim that the older braking system was not at all compatible for Indian extreme climate and road/traffic conditions.

Even though the automaker claims that HD Street 750 is duly certified by International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT), and is in compliance with requirements of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules of India, the users opinion totally differ when it comes to the units rolled out in 2014 & 2015. Also we get to see many local and international reviews that warn riders of poor brakes and brake failures on pre-2016 HD Street 750 bikes. To make life easier for audience I'm sharing some links here.


After several reports of the brakes failing partially or completely to provide adequate stopping power & master cylinder failure due to high engine heat, the automaker introspected the issue and upgraded the same on the MY2016 edition with complete overhaul by adding Bigger Rotors, all New 34 mm dual Pistons, Improved brake lines, replacing Sintered brake pads with Brembo, adding all new Aluminium master cylinder with change in its placement. If brakes in 2014 & 15 models of street were adequate, as claimed by Harley Davidson, we all would like to know some acceptable answer behind this overhaul within one and half years of launch.
In absence of mandatory recall policy in India, the first owners of Harley Davidson Street 750 are still living with same shoddy brakes and Harley has done nothing even after several fatal accidents of Street 750 riders. I have been following many facebook posts in bike riding groups and pages like H.R.I https://www.facebook.com/groups/1********194192/ Highway Rangers https://www.facebook.com/HighwayBrothersGroup/?fref=ts and many more. Everywhere I found people complaining about inadequate brakes in Street 750 rolled out in Year 2014 & 15. Personally met lot of them.

Myself Udham Singh Hooda from Delhi https://www.facebook.com/udhamsinghhooda , I also initiated a movement against Harley Davidson’s ignorance to recall these bikes. “I loved Harley Davidson from the age when I couldn’t spell it well. Waited long and when I managed to own one, my dreams of enjoying a ride that offers freedom got shattered. Harley’s slogan SCREW IT, LETS RIDE didn’t really satisfy me when I realized that brakes in my Street 750 are adequate to screw my road safety while riding it. The rear brakes of my Street 750 were never up to the mark but recently in August when I went for a long ride to Shimla, which was approx 400 Kms one way, my motorcycle brakes suddenly failed to respond. We stopped for an hour and then it worked as earlier but I covered rest of the distance with no confidence and lot of fear about brakes. I never expected this to happen and I have lost all my trust on the brand Harley Davidson"

Sai Ghanesh https://www.facebook.com/ghanesh.shan?fref=ts from Chennai had much disturbing story to share. “Recently when I was riding my Street 750 at speed of 70 Km/hr, I applied brakes to slow down and the next second I found myself rolling on the road after falling on my face. All that happened because my front wheel got locked suddenly. He also showed his helmet that actually backed his story”.

Sauraj Bhardwaj https://www.facebook.com/sauraj.bhardwaj?fref=ts “Im totally disappointed with the brakes in my street 750 and the response of Harley Davidson India. They claim to have some certificates. I didn’t buy Harley Davidson for those certificates. I bought it because I had faith and love for Harley Davidson. Will never go for this brand again”.

Rakesh Choudhary (name changed on his request) who do lot of mods on super bikes says “Problem with older models of Street750 is the undersized braking system which could be adequate for 200-300 CC motorbikes but not for a 750 CC machines that weighs 220 Kgs. At times I receive calls from Street 750 owners who face master cylinder failure due to engine heat and complete brakes failure issues. Master cylinder issues are due to wrong placement and the material used to cast it. Post 2015 models comes with totally upgraded brakes but yes still ABS is missing and I hope Harley will soon add one.
And the list is long....Don’t have so much space to mention every interview.

Recently many Indian customers went out to the extent of protesting in different towns to let Harley announce the recall they have been expecting since they realized that brakes aren’t adequate.

On NOV 6, hundreds of Street 750 owners and other bike enthusiasts gathered to raise their voice. Spokesperson of Highway Rangers https://www.facebook.com/HighwayBrothersGroup/?fref=ts confirmed that they also invited Managing Director of Harley Davidson India to come and answer their queries, but no one responded. Sanjay from Highway Rangers also had glitches with the media. “We invited 29 reporters, but no one turned up. No one care for the life of fellow Citizens”

The link to different protests held in Chennai and New Delhi are attached below.



You must watch this live video https://www.facebook.com/udhamsinghhooda while protesting at the spot where Harley Davidson was launching a new bike.

I really want to ask Harley Davidson, do you really feel that all these riders who own premium bikes have so much of time to waste if there is no problem in brakes?

Complainant's Goal: Harley Davidson should recall all Street 750 bikes rolled out in Year 2014 & 15.
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiSouth Delhi
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Recent Comments
Tue, 15 Nov 2016  Vijay

I own a HD Street 750 (Nov 2014). The brakes in this bike sucks big time. Its like riding a bike without brakes. I've had bad experiences with this bike and recently i even had a fall cuz of the so called brakes. I was riding it at a normal speed and i had to apply brakes to avoid collision.i did apply brakes but the rear brake just failed completely and i was forced to apply the front brakes more and that resulted me in a fall. #Harley do you want us to ride these bikes in 40's???
Even after several e-mails sent along with the after fall pics, i have not received a proper response,,just got one common copy paste response stating it has passed all the norms and it was awarded the best bike. Lol..!!
#Harley I'm losing the love and craze i had for your brand cuz of your irresponsible attitude.

Better RECALL all of your 2014-2015 Street 750's or go back. We dont want you to KILL and HURT our BROTHERS and SISTERS with your faulty bikes..!! I'll fight for the Change..!!

Highly Disappointed HD owner,

Tue, 15 Nov 2016  Vicky Gahlawat

The brakes of Harley Davidson Street 750 is really unreliable. Company should recall all these faulty bikes. Brakes being most critical part of any 2 wheeler, Harley should not use some certificates rcvd out of some tests on a roller belt as standard. People buy Harley for the image of brand, not for the certificates they own.

If Harley doesn't rectify our brakes issue, this will be my first and last HARLEY DAVIDSON

Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Sandeep Sharma

HD you have two options
1. Recall.
2. Go Back.
Enough is enough. Stop this.

Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Rahul

harley davidson murdabad!! Worst company in history

Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Kabbir

Harley Davidson has a very great record of never listening to customer complaints world over and what is now happening in India is just a repeat performance.. ..BE BLIND...BE SILENT..NEVER EVER TAKE RESPONSIBLITT FOR ANY MISHAPS.has been its motto.
I OWN A STREET 750 OF 2014 MODEL...i am absolutely worried on the issues of brakes..the brakes work ok in lower speeds and this somewhat gives a very false feeling...now take the bike for longer rides..say about 2 or 3 hour rides and its after this the brakes function funnily.its so inadequate when I am on a long distance rides at times even applying both brakes are iefficent at speeds at 70kmph to bring the unit to stop at a safe distance...
I am now riding the bike rarely as my confidence in the bikes brakes are very low and our service center is not the best to have ever solved it eeither...so..harley India please intervene and recall the bike and set the faulty brakes

Kabbir gkm

Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Ratnakar Bhalerao

H-D should not make the recall of 750 for the brakes issue as it's ego problem, every major automobile company has gone through this phase . Even a single life is much more important than a brand image. So start the recall of 750 immediately and give some respite to the owners of 2014/2015 atleast some peace of mind. Normally a rider sticks to the same brand when upgrading as he gets used to the Co's environment, now will the 750's current owners stay within the brand if such shoddy treatment is handed out to them? Don't think so.

Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Abhayjeet Singh

I am in support the brakes suck, I have recently sold my bike due to the same problem. 2015 Street 750.

They need to make the changes In support 100%.

Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Amol

Dear HD it doesn't take any rocket science to understand our concern.
The fault is dangerous, life threatening.

Acknowledge, Accept and rectify.


Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Vishal d tewani

I sold my 3 bikes , to own a Harley , waited for months to have the first lot , amongst the first 10 to own a street 750 in 2014 . Very disappointed to see my dealer " seven islands "helpless as inspite of several complains they have no guidelines from Harley except to change the master cylinder under warranty . It's such a shame to own such a iconic brand and face such harassment , had totally lost brakes in a ride and had to toe the bike . I think will have to seek Legal help , as Harley seems completely D E A F .

Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Manish Tokas

One of my frd owns this Harley street 750 and i always hear him complaining abt brakes. HD you must look into this

Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Harkaran Singh

Shame on Harley!!!!!!
They need to take a action as soon as possible.

Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Mohammed ismail

I am afraid to take out my bike becuase of the brakkng issuse .... please resovle hd and pls value our feelings to...


Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Pravin chipparge

Hi I'm using Harley Davidson Street 750 but this bike break system is very poor quality. When I'm going speed 50 to 60 kmph feeling very unsafe this bike ...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Hitesh

Suffering since I got my bike delivered 4 times complete brake fail with 2 accidents n last one was 3 'months back n bike is still in workshop of hd am not taking my bike back till they recall n fix the fault of brake issue . Please a request to all brothers to fight for this type of injustice with us

Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Subhadeep Bhattacharjee

Suffering since 2014 September the day I bought! My first accident on this bike due to poor braking was in the very first week after purchasing which damaged both the wheels, luckily insurance covered it! This happened on the West Bengal Assam highway & luckily road was empty!
Post that incident i started keeping the speed max 80 on an open highway!
Absolutely untrustworthy braking system.
Never expected such poor quality product from HD at all!

Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Sunil T Ravikumar

So true. I have literally stopped using the bike as it's breaks are faulty and it's life threatening.

Mon, 14 Nov 2016  Sunil T Ravikumar

So true. I have literally using the bike as it's breaks are faulty and it's life threatening.