Townsville Show - Greyhound Racing Townsville THUG Chris Condon Manager
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Complaint by: ExposingCriminals on June 17, 2010, 12:17 pm in Sports and Recreation
Greyhound Racing Townsville THUG Chris Condon Manager Townsville Show Grounds. Would you have a bet on Greyhounds in Queensland with a criminal and stand-over thug like Chris Condon Manager of the Townsville Show Grounds involved ?. Chris condon is a nasty viscious criminal thug and gangster who has gun and firearm offences and at least 8 serious assault arrests, just to name just a few serious criminal things this viscious nasty criminal Chris Condon has committed. He is also known for nasty assaults against elderly and aged pensioners. Would you take your family or children near the Townsville Showground ?
Complainant's Goal: To stop violence at the Greyhound meetings because of Chris Condon
Complainant's Target: Townsville Show
Complaint Location: India › Townsville Show Ground
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