Townsville Show - Chris Condon CRIMINAL Townsville & Narelle Sue Anderson
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Complaint by: Fred Freeloader on June 21, 2010, 8:33 am in Arts and Culture

Narelle Sue Anderson (School teacher).Townsille Show Ground,Townsille Show Society,Chris Condon viscious nasty THUG criminal. Isn,t it \"strange\" if you are a violent nasty criminal like Chris Condon employee of the Townsville Show Society to have \"friends\" like Narelle Sue Anderson, a High School Teacher who \"noticed\" a few things in Chris Condons favor in a Supreme Court so that this violent nasty criminal may not be sent to jail for a nasty and viscious assault against an aged Vietnam veteran pensioner. If you are a violent nasty criminal like Chris Condon having a \"friend\" like Narelle Sue Anderson (a Townsville High School teacher) as a \"witness\" (in your favor) can be very, very handy indeed !. By the way, does this nasty viscious criminal Chris Condons \"friend\" teach your children at school, I am sure that Narelle Sue Anderson would be a \"good\" influence on your child. In case you did not already know, nasty thug \"pensioner basher\" Chris Condon has been arrested at least 8 times with viscious assaults against elderly persons, and Condon has been involved in lots of gun and firearm offences plus other criminal activities, why would a decent law abiding school teacher \"hang-out\" with a nast violent criminal like Chris Condon ? WOULD YOU LET YOUR CHILDREN NEAR THESE \"types\" OF PEOPLE ? READ MORE HERE

Complainant's Goal: Curbing violent crime
Complainant's Target: Townsville Show
Complaint Location: IndiaTownsville Showgrounds
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