Maverick Infotec Pvt. Ltd. - Fraud Company- Maverick Infotec, #1, KRS Road, Mysore
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Complaint by: Rajiv on January 9, 2012, 12:04 pm in Business and Finances

This is a fraud company who refuses to pay salary to the employees, keeps on false promises that they are not receiving money from the client. Its almost 6 months Maverick has paid salaries to their employees.

Besides, if the employees ask salary they get verbal abuses and threatening from the MD Mr Rajkumar Paul, who still enjoys the comfort of the hard earned money of the employees.

The company neither allows the employees to leave the company and join other company by refusing the final settlement and relieving letter.

Complainant's Goal: To get the pending salary, final settlement letter and relieving letter
Complainant's Target: Maverick Infotec Pvt. Ltd.
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaMysore
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Recent Comments
Tue, 08 May 2012  Anand

Hi Guys,
Mr Rajkumar had a great opportunity in hand in Maverick, but his crooked way of working with unrealistic plans have costed a lot and the employees had to face the brunt of this.
Mr Rajkumar's policy had been to exploit the interests of SAP enthusiasts. Though we got a good opportunity to work in projects, the treatment given to us was atrocious in return to the hard work and dedication given by the team.
Mr Rajkumar's way of handling failure : In case of success, he would grab all the credit and when it comes to failure, would try finding scapegoats

Wed, 01 Feb 2012  Jai Anna

Further to this I want to specify that the failure of the company is solely due to Mr. Rajkumar A Paul Stephen and Mrs. Hemalatha Y Belur the HR of Maverick Infotec. All employees were highly talented and effecient who could have been used effectively for the company's growth. But due to the inefficiency of the Ex Director Rajkumar A paul Stephen, his stuborness, ill treatments towarsd the workers, harassments, mental tortures, and never the less one of the most inefficeint HR (Hemalatha Y Belur) and their dirty politics and policies had not only ruined people's career but destroyed the company. If today all employees have suffered is because of these two people. They have to be punished for their irresponsibility and carelessness. All money is eaten up by Rajkumar who gets a wooping salary for doing nothing....and Mrs Hemalatha as well. They care a damn abt the employees...just want to fill their pockets.

****Mr. Kiran, please dont be biased for Maverick**** Please speak the truth, even you have suffered because of Maverick and u cant deny that fact.

Wed, 01 Feb 2012  Jai Anna

Hi Kiran,

There are 99% out of 100 who are unsatisfied with Maverick Infotec. End of the day, employee satisfaction is very important for any company. Maverick has failed in all aspects to satisfy the employees. People have got jobs into good companies due to their own talents, the credit shouldnot go to Maverick. It is our talent, effort and hardwork that saved us from drowning into the ditch which was created by Maverick. Hats off to those who could come out and show ways to others who were suffering due to this company's destructive policies. If Maverick was so good, please go and see, how many old employees are staying back.

People have not got their Relieving Letters for months even though they worked day and night for projects. Atleast if company cannot pay salary, it should relieve people with the Relieving Letter with positive feedback about them. This company has done everything to spoil people's career, opportunities etc etc. They gave only threatening, blame games, blackmailing......are the few words that come out for Maverick. This is what Maverick does to its employees when they themselves fail to deliver their responsibilities. There is only one person Mr. Rajkumar A Paul who takes all decisions in the company....and Maverick is the best example of dictatorship in corporate. Still knowing that this person takes all wrong decisions, being abused so many times by employees, failed to run a company and he hides all his failures by putting the blames on others that too freshers. There are list of people who have suffered because of him. If the company is not fraud, then what it is ?????.....Anybody for that matter....didnot get their salary with hold amount nor relieving letter. There is nothing to be specific on people's own is the problem with all and Rajiv is not alone suffering from injustice. India is a democratic country and everybody has the right to raise their voice against corruption, fraud, cheating. And Maverick is a big cheat company...there is no doubt about it.

At the end, good job Rajiv......hope people realize this serious issue and stand up now if not late.

There are many companies like Maverick who actually trap fresh candidates and exploit for their personal interest. India's growth rate is 8%...but it is sad to know the salary of people who work in Maverick and the way they are treated......

Wake up people.....and destroy such viruses from the society.

Sun, 15 Jan 2012  Mani

This is True

I too been suffered lot lot

Sun, 15 Jan 2012  meghana

Hi guys,

Even i have been the employee of Maverick, i also have suffered injustice.

Maverick is a fraud Company, i support this statement

Mon, 09 Jan 2012  Kiran Kumar

rajiv ,
u r wrong.
this is not a fraud company , for freshers . that to in SAP this is a wonderful opportunity .
i will agree , this company is not paying salary . of course but completely .
who are all left this company they got jobs in nice organizations .

please specify specifically . which u felt ..

thanking u .
maverick team