- fashionandyou gliches cause loss to me
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Complaint by: sandeepgarg on February 16, 2011, 9:44 pm in Online Shopping

I had purchased a voucher for Rs.1000/- (Total value of Rs.2,500/- on purchase of Rs.3,500/- or more), from one of the deal sites. The voucher was valid till 15/02/2011.

Now, yesterday, i.e. on 15/02/2011, at about 21:00 hrs, I tried to use this voucher on their site.

1st I checked my account, after logging in. The voucher for Rs.2,500/- was showing.

Then I put the things I wanted in the basket (Total value about Rs.4,600/- or so), and proceeded to checkout.

It did not allow me to go to the confirmation page, saying that they do not deliver to the pincode(??) (Ajmer). This, after they have already delivered goods many times to me!! I, changed the pincode to another one of AJMER.

Now I was able to go to the confirmation page. Till now it did not show me any place where I could adjust or apply the Rs.2,500/- voucher. On the payment / confirmation page also it showed no such facility.

Now, I went right upto the credit card payment page, but did not pay, as there was no credit of Rs.2,500/- being given.

They generated an e-mail, due to the failed order, as follows (Read from bottom up, begining from the handbag):

URGENT FW: Is there anything we can do to help you with your order? 242132 URGENT [Case:30314]‏
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Reply â–¼
fashion and you
To sndpgrg-
Dear Sandeep,
We truly understand your concern.
However, you are requested to understand us as we follow our guidelines and as per our guidelines we can not extend the validity of the vouchers; and we really feel sorry for this as you tried to use your voucher just on the last date of its validity while we gave you three months to use this.
Thank you.
Vikas Chandra
Team Fashion and You
Website: fashionandyouom
Support Line| +91-0120-6739999

From: "Sandeep Garg" [sndpgrg]
Date Sent: 02/16/2011 4:41:00 PM
To: sndpgrg
Subject: RE: URGENT FW: Is there anything we can do to help you with your order? 242132 URGENT [Case:30314]


U have to see that at 21:00 hrs I tried to place the order for more than half an hour, but was unable to do so due to a glitch in your software. This can be verified by you from your own software.

1st it says that it can't ship to the particular pincode (Ajmer).

After putting in another pincode for the same city (Ajmer), it gives me the option to pay by credit/debit card etc.

On proceeding further it does not give me the option to utilise my voucher (even though the value of the items in the basket was over Rs.3,500/-. I purposely went to the payment page, so that this mail could be generated.

This has happened to me before also, on your site. At that time also they had reactivated that voucher. Request you to do the same again.



From: -fashionandyoouom
To: sndpgrg
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 15:56:17 +0530
Subject: URGENT FW: Is there anything we can do to help you with your order? 242132 URGENT [Case:30314]

Dear Sandeep,
We understand your concern.
However, it is to inform you that vouchers can not be activated if once they are expired due to any reason.
Thank you.
Vikas Chandra
Team Fashion and You
Website: wwfashionandyocom
Support Line| +91-0120-6739999

From: "Sandeep Garg" [sndpgrg-]
Date Sent: 02/16/2011 3:28:00 PM
To: sndpgrg-
Subject: URGENT FW: Is there anything we can do to help you with your order? 242132 URGENT [Case:30314]

From: sndpgrg-
To: orderrecords-fashionandyocom
Subject: RE: Is there anything we can do to help you with your order? 242132
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 18:46:12 +0000

I tried placing my order and utilising my credit.

1st it did not allow me to place order saying that you do not deliver to the pin code.

I changed pin codes, then it did not show the Rs.2,500 credit, so I did not pay by credit card.

Now the account shows no credits (as they were supposed to expire today).. No fault of mine, some problem at your server/software end. My order can be verified by checking my surfing on your site at about 21 hrs on 15th feb 2011.

Please help and revert.


From: orderrecords-fashionandyocom
To: sndpgrg-
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 22:21:05 +0530
Subject: Is there anything we can do to help you with your order? 242132

Unsuccessful Order !

Dear Customer,

We saw that you tried to place an order on our
website but did not complete the process...
Is everything alright?

If this was an oversight, you may disregard this email. Otherwise, we would be happy to answer any questions that you may have about the ordering process. Feel free to mail us at-fashionandyoucom. or call us at +91-0120-6739999 between 10am - 7pm Monday to Saturday.

Remember, your satisfaction is our first priority and it’s our pleasure to serve you.

In case you have used a voucher, the same will be credited back to your account within an hour's time.

How would you like to Shop with FREE UNLIMITED CREDITS of Rs. 1000 each?

Click Here To Know More

Reply â–¼
fashion and you
To "Sandeep Garg"
Dear Member,

Thank you for contacting us!

To help track your query we have generated a reference number. Your ticket code is 30314. Pelase use this code in any further communication.

Member Relations - Fashion and You
For further assistance you may get in touch with us at 0120-6739999.

I meanwhile had already put in a query regarding this at their helpdesk (Read from bottom up, for the query and their response):

Dear Sandeep,
We regret the inconvenience caused. It's a technical issue & this issue not for my end, sometime may be connection not work properly duering to network problem, so we can not provide credit INR 2500/-
Thank you for contacting with us.

Team Fashion and You
Website: fashionandyouom
Support Line| +91 120 6739999

From: "Sandeep Garg" [sndpgrg-]
Date Sent: 02/16/2011 4:54:00 PM
To: sndpgrg-
Subject: RE: Technical [Case:29943]


i WAS USING CHROME. Also, now my voucher (for which I had paid) has expired. What do I do?

Please do revert.


From: support-
To: sndpgrg-
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 16:44:53 +0530
Subject: Technical [Case:29943]

Dear Sandeep,
We regret any inconvenience caused. The issue you have encountered usually occurs when your run the site on a browser which is not compatible with the Fashion and you portal.
We request you to try and access the Fashion and You website on a different browser (Preferably chrome) which supports the functionality of the Fashion and You website.

Team Fashion and You
Website: fashionandyou
Support Line| +91 120 6739999

From: "Fashion and You" [sndpgrg
Date Sent: 02/16/2011 12:09:00 AM
To: sndpgrg-
Subject: Technical [Case:29943]

Fashion And You


A new Message is posted from website details of which are as under !

Customer Name sandeep garg
City Ajmer
PhoneNo ********12
Email ID sndpgrg-
Order Number
Message I tried placing my order and utilising my credit. 1st it did not allow me to place order saying that you do not deliver to the pin code. I changed pin codes, then it did not show the Rs.2,500 credit, so I did not pay by credit card. Now the account shows no credits (as they were supposed to expire today).. No fault of mine, some problem at your server/software end. My order can be verified by checking my surfing on your site at about 21 hrs on 15th feb 2011. Please help and revert.

sandeep garg

Subsequently I tried to contact with Mr. Chandra, on the Tel No. given in the mail, but he did not have the courtsey to come on the phone and talk to me. His customer care persons, once a man and once a lady, kept on telling me that tghey will arrange a callback by 6 pm (Which has not coime till now)

They also kept telling me that a voucher that is to expire on 15/02/2011 expires at 00:00 hrs 15/02/2011 (at the start of the day), CRAZY!!!

I kept telling them that it was showing in my account till the time I tried to place the order, and also subsequently after the bad order / non payment, but I was unable to use it.

The response from Mr. Chandra (and also all the SOOO BUSY executives) of the portal was that "Why did I try to use it on the last day when they had given me sufficient time". Does That Matter??

Now they are not ready to give credit of the voucher of Rs.2,500/- under any circumstances. They say that this is their policy.

I think the VC Funding theyu have received recently has gone to their head. Hope this complaint reaches those who can do something about their customer care and management.

Complainant's Goal: I want to get back the credit voucher of Rs.2,500/- which expired due to their g
Complainant's Target:
Complaint Location: IndiaRajasthanAjmer
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Recent Comments
Fri, 25 Feb 2011   Message By Complainant Sandeep Garg

I support this complaint.

Does that matter? Their systems have to be working!! If any glitches, they should be resolved with a view of the customer.

Anyway, after these complaints, they have resolved the complaint and given back the voucher.

Fri, 25 Feb 2011  Aliya Mazumdar

Hey Sandeep,
I am confused about why would you use the voucher on the last day to redeem it. Maybe that is what has caused you the problem.