I bought the bike in March 2013, Facing issue with starting my bike. it doesn't have a kick rod. When it was taken to the service center they said the issue was with the battery its damaged and asked me to replace the same in Exide show room, Tadbund. i faced the same issue after replacing the battery and gave the bike for servicing at the same service center. after one day i got call the bike is ready and the issue was with wiring. but still i face the same problem with it when i used the bike with head light on for once. Now they say that the issue is with some starter plate in the engine and it needs to be changed. i am roaming around the service center since last four weeks oncee every 5 days but the issue is not fixed still. its very disappointing as the bike don't even have a kick rod. To start the bike we need to push the 150kg bike and change the gear in motion.its only been 7 months from th date of purchase and iam facing the issue with starter. hope that this helps in some way in expediting the process of repairing my bike and assure me that the problem doesnt occur again.