South Eastern Railway - Durty Coaches with ground nuts waste covers thrown all over.
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Complaint by: Anand Verma on February 8, 2010, 11:08 am in Indian Railways

Dear Staion Master,

I had to trevel from Durg to Bhatapara in 18 DR local in morning 5.25 a.m. on 07.02.2010 and felt shameful to see the condition of the coaches full of rubish, groundnut covers and used green gram plants (after eating the grams) thrown by trevellers.

I want to ask Railway;

1. Why the coaches are not cleaned every day specially Local trains at least once in a day in the morning.

2. Why such unauthorised vendors are allowed to sale products which will create lot of wastes and rubishness in the coaches during using them.

3. Why it cannot have a system of fine or ban in case of throwing such wastes inside the coaches.

4. The staition Hordings display lot of commericial advertisements to earn money, Why a part of this earnings cannot be used to display and educate people to help railway and in turn trevellers themselves to maintain the Coaches neat and clean.

5. Why staion masters do not like to see and make sure that a train start in the morning atleast, with neat and clean coaches, as they need a clean office in the morning for themselves, or do they agree to compromise with similar scene in their office in the morning. If not then why they want us to accept such things.

6. This is a clear case descrepency in the services provided by Railway to the Trevellers who pay for a clean trevel. They dont pay to trevel sitting on a garbage. Even the trevel by train during the British raj would have been much cleaner because people use to have fear in their mind that they might get punishment if they spoil the train.

Please help to make our indipendent India livable and presentable.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

A K Verma

An Indian Citizen

Complainant's Goal: To make our Indipendent India livable and presentable
Complainant's Target: South Eastern Railway
Complaint Location: IndiaChhattisgarhRaipur
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Wed, 10 Feb 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to South Eastern Railway on February 10, 2010, 12:46 pm