East Coast Railway - Curruption of tatkal reservation
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Complaint by: Samrat on June 10, 2010, 10:34 pm in Indian Railways

I was standing in queue since 4am on 06/06/2010 at Puri(east coast railway, Orissa) reservation office. I was the first person there. at that time the reservation office shutters were closed,till 7.30 am so many people arrived, most of them were illegal agents. At 7.50am shutters were opened, all rushed to the reservation window. Any how i got 2nd place in the queue. the reservation clerk was ladies. first person in the queue was a travelling agent, he got the ticket. After that she(the reservation clerck) took form from me which was for tatkal reservation in AC 3 tier from PURI to LTT(Kurla terminus, Mumbai) by 2746 on 08/06/2010, and said me there was waiting list tickets and she refused to issue waiting listed tatkal tickets. I said her pl. issue me tickets weather it is confirm or waiting listed but she refused to issue me tickets and took forms 5 to 7 together from other persons , who were illegal travelling agents. She issue one of them tatkal ticket for same train 2746 from Puri to LTT for 08/06/2010 (which was confirmed). When I shouted that i will complained for this illegal act , then she issued me ticket which cost INR4283.00. I had given INR 4500.00. She returned us INR 200 only and refused to return balance INR17.00. From that tatkal ticket two seats out of three were confirmed. If she issued tickets in time, all seats were confirmed.it is clear that it is milibhagat of railway reservation clerk with illegal travelling agents.it is noted that travelling agents take INR 200 to 300 for one seat. Railway officials kindly notice this and take necessary action against these corrupt employees.

Complainant's Goal: harrassment about tatkal reservation
Complainant's Target: East Coast Railway
Complaint Location: IndiaOrissaPuri
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Tue, 15 Jun 2010  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to East Coast Railway on June 15, 2010, 11:44 am

Mon, 14 Jun 2010  Seshagiri

I support this complaint. We would also like to see / know the action taken on these complaints. would some body care for taking action on these people???
forum for making a complaint is good at the same time it would be appreciated if some body is taking action.