metamax communication ltd - chaeting of metamax communication ltd
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Complaint by: mahesh on August 21, 2010, 9:58 am in Internet Related
Two marketing excutives came to me and given demo about internet connection, and collected Rs 551/- cheque of axisbank and the chq was cleared in bank but they are not installed my conncetion at the time of demo the told only 2days will take for installation . but up to 7days ther are installed after that i forward a mail to custmer care for ragrding this issue. and i requsted cancel my application and refund my money back after that they replied to me 10day will take for refund process so i agreed. 15days over but they not give money refund. again i called custmer care about this they told wait for more 10days for refund. my application no 139941 name of maheswar reddy mamilla , musapet hyderabad-500018
Complainant's Goal: Refund my advance money Rs 551/-
Complainant's Target: metamax communication ltd
Recent Comments
I support this complaint. they are lethargic persons particular custmer care my self also i faced one probelm