Apple India - Apple product quality Issue
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Complaint by: Om on October 22, 2013, 10:59 pm in Computers and Accessories


I have a Macbook which is ~2 years old, Just after 1 year after purchase, its charger stopped working. Also the cover below the body torn apart. Moreover now one day it stopped working at all. Now the macbook is not powering on.

I visited the retailer shop from where I purchased the macbook also the service center, they both informed me that its' "Logic board" is dead and It was very painful to me as Its not expected from a brand which is known for it's quality product.The replacement cost for same is ~35K INR, which is very very high and is almost equivalent to a new laptop's cost with a good configuration in other brand.

I am an iOS application developer and use the macbook for my personal uses as well as for my work. I loved my macbook a lot and recommended most of my friends or colleagues to experience a product like this.

But now when the things just after 1 year (or after expiring the guaranty cover), stopped working and now the macbook is completely dead then I think this is a myth about apple's quality.

Now I think I should share this experience with the friends and colleagues whom I recommended to buy apple product by this Diwali festival, so that they could be saved from such a high cost engagement provided for less reliable products.

I would appreciate if apple will consider this concern of mine and let it's customers to keep up the same level of faith to which is known.

Awaiting for faster and positive reply.

Om Prakash

Complainant's Goal: Apple need to wave off the Cost involved in Logic board replacement
Complainant's Target: Apple India
Complaint Location: IndiaRajasthanJaipur
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Recent Comments
Wed, 06 Nov 2013  Deepak Tank


Its too costly. Apple needs to provide exchange this mac with new mac with more discount or should have reduced the logic board price.