Crown Capital Management International Relations Site - Yet another confusing website
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Complaint by: agataabban on October 8, 2013, 7:15 am in Internet Related

This website is really making my head ache. Maybe this alone can sum up how much I am disappointed wasting my time reading on your articles and spending time trying to convince myself that I could see something that will somehow make sense in this website. But here I am I ended up writing this review so no one else will waste time reading on you. Yes you are a total waste.
See, I am very grateful that you have very good intensions in starting a website with this kind of topic. It is impressive that you are concern and I believe we have the same vision with regards helping mother earth and saving our environment but this website seems to appear that it wasn’t thought of very well. It is disorganize, you make people heads ache, no one will be interested reading your articles if you cannot even pull off a pleasing website. It is not as if we are going to exert so much effort just so we can read your articles. And if we do, like I did, what do we get? Disappointment. Do not even make me start criticizing your articles. I admire the guts though but still wasn’t enough.
You make my OCD attack. Yeah, c’mon like seriously. Why are your articles all over the place? I cannot understand it, I don’t know which is which. I was reading this topic then suddenly I am lost with another topic. You are definitely confusing your readers.
Place your articles in one category and organize it according to topics. And please keep them up-to-date. Most of your articles are outdated. And I think they are all not originals, most of them I already seen on other websites. Why would you even start your own site if you do not even know the things to input in it. You are just wasting your time and our time.
I love reading, I love it, whether it e books or articles from the internet or sometimes even random stuff but you made me hate reading for the first time. Are these articles really from you? Because I think you have more studying to do.
Here is piece of advice, I am not an expert but I am your market so I think it is wise you listen to your market, wear the shoes of your market and know what they want and what would appeal to them. Your style is simply confusing and stressing. We are not going to spend time trying to figure out what you mean so be straight to the point and simple. Unlike your site that is flowery and confusing. Good luck on improving your site.

IMPROVE YOUR SITE ===>>>> <<<

Complainant's Goal: Improve your site
Complaint Location: Ireland
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