CIBIL report - wrong CIBIL report
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Complaint by: bittu on April 7, 2011, 1:52 pm in Business and Finances

It is very sad to see that as an independent agency CIBIl is not able to provide the correct/authentic data which are being used by Banks for their business.
I RAJESH KUMAR PANWAR, applied for a P/l from UNION BANk Jaipur & in first report my CIBIL report was clear while on the second day some loan was shown against me. i am regularly emailing them but there is no response from them. At least they should name the Bank/agency from where i have taken the loan otherwise its no use of just giving a dark report. The persons are taking loan for some specific purpose & if such flimsy hindrance are being created by such agency, which are being used as standard by banks, then its a shame on the company.
i again request that as per my control no. 47252598 my CIBIL REPORT DATED 30TH MARCH WAS ok. BUT AS PER control no.4******** , in my CIBIL REPOERT OF DTD. 01-04-2011 there were two loans of Rs. 1.5 lakhs shown in my report. I have emailed/registered disputes also vide CIBIL dispute ID no. D041100102 dtd. 04-04-2011 & CIBIL Dispute no. D041100182 dtd. 06-04-2011. But neither i have recd. any acknowledgment nor corrected the report nor given me the name of bankl which has shown this Loan amt. Its totally unfair to h arras the citizen of India in the name of secrecy when all the reports are transparent, or at leaset agency should tell the bank/fin. institution name from where the report is recd. ,may be getting advance fee from applicant & refund it by penalty from the bank for wrong report.
Any how after so may email ,if anyone in CIBIL can dispose of my case, then it will be great for me. thanx & an early action from CIBIL or any other watchdog body.

Complainant's Goal: to get rectifiedthe CIBIL report
Complainant's Target: CIBIL report
Complaint Location: IndiaRajasthanJaipur
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Thu, 07 Apr 2011  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to CIBIL report on April 7, 2011, 1:52 pm