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Complaint by: mahesh on February 13, 2013, 3:55 pm in Mobile and Cell Phones

The reconnect gsm 4301 is rebranded from alcatel 995. The whole world
have got ics upgrade in the month of september and same rebrand of
alcatel 995 with reconnect gsm 4301 have no news regarding this. I
want to complain regarding this and want conserned department to look
into this matter at the earliest. I bought this handset after reliance
digital promised me an upgradr to ics 4.4 in september late but now
its jan 2013 yet no upgrade. IM very disappointed feeling as if been
cheated. I request reconnect mobile to make ics available to its
customers as everyone want and expecting the upgrade and are very

Im an very disappointed and dissatisfied relaince reconnect user... I
bought this handset reconnect gsm 4301. I bought this handset from
Relaince digital Kacheguda on 5th October 2012... As soon I bought in
in less 10 days the it stared giving problems in terms on connectiity
and slow performance. So i gave it to service center and they took 15
days. Again after receiving just few days after again I had to give in
to service center dated 05//12/12.. Again this time they took couple
of weeks to get the problem solved and later few weeks complete
motherboard of the handset was down and they replaced it and this went
to more then 20 days... And now the latest I give to service center
for some handset issue in mobile on 21/01/13 again mother board have
been changed and this time they took 22 days and yet i have problems
with it. Firstly the LED light is not normal as it used to be Secondly
the from browser im not able to open any website and surf the internet
thirdly they have done loss fitting of the panel and as well did some
scratches on the screen too and charing point also.. Im completely
angry on this... the handset is more with service center then me...
And also as they promised ICS upgarde and no such news regarding that
which made me purchase the handset.. Im very upset and angry that my
money have gone waste.. If there were small issues i would have
ignored but all are such big major problmes...

I want relience to refund me or make me purchase any other brand of
mobile in this cost of mobile i bought... im ready to pay more amount

please help me and solve this problem at the earliest.. im not rich
and i cant afford...


mahesh verma

Complainant's Goal: refund or upgarde to other mobile brand
Complainant's Target: reliance di
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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