Godaddy - Website Hacking
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Complaint by: OxygenWeb on February 26, 2018, 8:35 pm in Hosting and Web Design
After being a loyal customer to Godaddy for long time, my websites was attacked and I called Godaddy for technical advice as my Website & emails were hosted by them. The representative advise me to purchase an anti-malicious, site cleaner/protection system and SSL to my websites. But the thing is they are responsible for our hosting security. When I asked them to provide me with the backup of my entire data so they are demanding me to pay them 4999.00 INR as it is not their responsibility. Please ask them then why did they take annual charges from us ? If we have to take care of our own hosting then y should I go with Godaddy's hosting ? So its my request please take action against this and let us know asap.
Complainant's Goal: Hosting is not secured from company's side and it is hacked
Complainant's Target: Godaddy
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