Ashwani Sharma - Water Problem
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Complaint by: Ashwani on March 14, 2011, 4:35 pm in Utility Services

For the last one year MCD water is not coming and we are forced to bring water in CANS and BUCKETS from the distance. We have made lot of complaints to Delhi Jal Board, and the same assurance is there that problem will be sorted out in 2-3 days. For the last one year there 2-3 days is not coming. Just one month back, Mrs. Shiela Dixit was there for inauguration of Tank. For 2-3 days, the water was there in oru houses and we thought that the problem has been sorted out. But since 7-8 days the same problem is there i.e. water is nto coming is taps.

I think there are mainly 3 reasons why our water is not coming.

1). Proper distrubution - There are three lines from where the water is coming. But there is no proper distribution system.

2). Illegal Connection - Some of the persons have made illegal connection and they are not listing.

3). There are mainly two Gali's where the water is to be supplied. We have suggested the JE of DJB to supply the watter one time to us and another time to the another Gali. This will help to increase the water pressure.

You are requested to please look into this matter and help us to solve the water problem once for all.

Complainant's Goal: Water must come in our houses.
Complainant's Target: Ashwani Sharma
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiNew Delhi
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