Unfair rules of arrest for traveling in Ladies Special Train - Unfair rules for boarding Ladies special
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Complaint by: joydeep on December 7, 2010, 8:52 pm in Indian Railways

Harassment of general Passengers due to Ladies Special train.
On 2nd December 2010 I had the worst ever experience of boarding a local train from Jadavpur Station to Sealdah station.There was no announcement on the mike that it was a ladies special train.It was just like some ordinary E.M.U. coaches converted into ladies special train.The only indication was a small sign-board "LADIES SPECIAL" hanging at the lower left-hand corner in front of the locomotive driver. As I boarded the train from the back I didn’t notice the board.I came to know that it was "Ladies special train" only on reaching Sealdah station. On getting down from the train some unidentified railway goons caught hold of my collar and shirt and dragged me to G.R.P. lock-up. Finally i was released by taking bail at the cost of Rs.600/-.I appeal to the railway authorities that had it not been better to give some attention to announcement and painting of Ladies special coaches than to deploy these goons for harassing these common public. Does railway board mean authority without responsibility?

Complainant's Goal: suitable action from railway authorities
Complaint Location: IndiaWest BengalKolkata
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Wed, 26 Jul 2017  vicky sharma

Harassment of general Passengers due to Ladies Special train.
On25/07/2017 I had the worst ever experience of boarding a local train from Jadavpur Station to Sealdah station.There was no announcement on the mike that it was a ladies special train.It was just like some ordinary E.M.U. coaches converted into ladies special train.The only indication was a small sign-board "LADIES SPECIAL" hanging at the lower left-hand corner in front of the locomotive driver. As I boarded the train from the back I notice the board.I came to know that it was "Ladies special train" only on reaching Sealdah station. On getting down from the train some unidentified railway goons caught hold of my collar and shirt and dragged me to G.R.P. lock-up. Finally i was released by taking bail at the cost of Rs.600/-.I appeal to the railway authorities that had it not been better to give some attention to announcement and painting of Ladies special coaches than to deploy these goons for harassing these common public. Does railway board mean authority without responsibility? THESE POLICE TAKE ILLEGAL MONEY FOR THEIR FAMILY POORS PEOPLE MONEY TAKING AND MOBILE ILLEGALLY THESE RAILWAYS RULES IS NOT GOOD FOR PUBLIC

Sun, 16 Nov 2014  shshnawaz


Hi my name is shahnawaz
and I dont like the system of sealdah station...
When I was taking ticket for park circus to sealdah station one train arrives on park circus station and I was getting late so I started running and I caught the train, there were many gents on that train, so when I reached sealdah then I realized that it is ladies special train so the train was running and I trie to get off then suddenly one man caught the train and he was grp so he caught me and I try to explain every thing that I havent seen the board but he dint listn to me and he gave me one slap and take me to grp office and fine me 500, then I request them to leave me but they dint listn to me and said me that if you will not pay then we will lock you in jail...then I have only 250rupee which was my pocket money I have gave them all...then they release me......
This is very unfair rule the sign board of ladies special was written wery small in the bottom of first boggy.....

I request them to paint the boggy to different color so that we identified that it is ladies special train..........

Fri, 31 May 2013  Abhiman Biswas

Harassment of general Passengers due to boarding into Ladies special

31-May-2013,10:30 am:DUMDUM
During the office peak hours I was also caught by unidentified railway goons due to boarding into Ladies special at DUMDUM railway station. Though I was in a gate where no lady was present. They took me GRP office room where already some people was caught for boarding in ladies special. The officer in change noted my name and address in GD. and asked to pay money to a unidentified advocate sitting in the next room ( where he sitting alone without any CCT camera was present). He has asked all of us to pay Rs: 320 each and asked to sign in blank arrest memo(Having no arrest ID/other details). But did not give any reciept of given the money. When I asked to know about the legal procedue then he is replying me not to take my case and for that I will be taken to court. There was no option for me. So I have given him the amount and got released.

My concern Point:
1. Should the govent process will be like that ( taking money without on people's God faith )? Where people do not have any faith .. People do not even able to understand whether money collected through this type of events are going to pocket of Govt. or the pockets of goverment employees.

2. What is exact fine of boaring into Ladies special train ? (Rs 320 Or Rs 600).

3. Appart from the fine, I was ill treated by the railway goons while taking to me to GRP office. I was not tring to escape. Why have they treated me like this?

4. In the office peak hours Ladies special is 20%-35% filled w.r.t capacity. Where General purpose trains are 400% filled.
In my point of view, if the no of coaches in General purpose train can be increased from 2 to 3/4 then rate of happening of this type of incidents can be reduced. OR There should be 2 - 4 coaches as general purpose train.

Fri, 07 Dec 2012  Susruta Banerjee

Yes, I am in support of Joydeep as my brother today December 7, 2012 has faced the same problem while getting down at DumDum along with several respected and educated passengers who are being harassed in the same way as Joydeep. It is a shame that Railways do not have their own infrastructure to make a complete different identification for that particular train rather to harass the commuters on their way to office, school, and colleges at the peak hour.