TripAdvisor - tripadvisor a bit cheater
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Complaint by: preeti on May 14, 2010, 1:26 pm in Internet Related

they had started a contest one month ago in which if you write 7 or more reviews for a destination and if your rewiew gets published or posted to their site they will give you 1000 rediff points which is eqyivalent to 1000 rs. i did so and put in a lot of precious time energy and hardwork to write these reveiws now they gave me 1000 rediff points after one month long wait but did not give me any offers for the products i cannot buy any product form rediff it is a cheating they are misleading people playing with their emotions i did this for earning 1000 rs which they are not giving me and also somne people are telling me that they have given them offers in which they have to add 700 or 800 or more re and they get a gift in return whoses original cost is 700 or 800 rs. this is not fare they have to pay for my hardwork which i have input.

Complainant's Goal: i want 1000n rs for my hard work and precious time in have input
Complainant's Target: TripAdvisor
Complaint Location: IndiaUttar PradeshAgra
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Recent Comments
Wed, 30 Jun 2010  POOJA JAIN

i didnt get any correspondence form tripadvisor what happened to your email communication which had been sent to TripAdvisor on May 17, 2010, 10:37 am

Wed, 30 Jun 2010  POOJA JAIN

hey they are making the fool of ppl like us again htey have tried a new trick by giving gift vouchers from india times. pls make ppl beware of this.

Fri, 28 May 2010  radha bishnoi

see the extend of cheating by rediff shopping i had ordered mobile phone which costed 1990 inr rs as i got 1000 rs credit i had to pay 990 rs. i accepted it and payed it by my credit card at the time of payment i could see that i had to pay rs 990 when i made the payment rs 1990 was deducted from the credit card????

Sun, 23 May 2010   Message By Complainant avni

hey now see the height of cheating i tried to buy a product they are answering that we do not offer products more than 1000 rs in this pincode ???? see the height of cheating??? first you dont give us our shopping points if we fight for it then you give us the points then you do not show any offers even though we get the shopping points then you try to burden all the matter to rediff again when we write to you after many follow ups we get six offers which are useless and dont have any value still thinking that lets purchase smething so that we get any returns of our input and efforts we come to know that we cannot buy anything anything more than 1000 rs in this pin code???

so smart and cleaver and cunning ppl you both are. hats off to rediff and tripadvisor what a combo promotional offer.

Sun, 23 May 2010  reema

I support this complaint. i too have suffered from the same injustice government should take action against them.

Thu, 20 May 2010  POOJA JAIN

hey both the companies are cheaters i had written for your company tripadvisor ok and in turn i received 1000 points form your side then why am i asking rediff for the shopping experience??? see suppose you are working for a firm then that firm will give you the salary for your work or you will ask some other third party for the salary???? they are acting smart tripadvisor had made us write reviews for them and they had promised to give in turn give us 1000 rs now they are saying that we have given you 1000 points and rediff will give you the products and these products are useless they are exaggerating the money of the products and then deducting 1000 rs and the telling us to pay the actual amount of that product very smart na??? this is the height of making ppl fool our government should take strict action so that such foreign companies cannot misuse the manpower of indian citizens.

Thu, 20 May 2010  ashish jain

I support this complaint.

Mon, 17 May 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to TripAdvisor on May 17, 2010, 10:37 am