Western Union Scam - To Recover 20000indian rupees from mutum rajendro singh a/c
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Complaint by: Murugan on June 28, 2009, 2:21 pm in Lottery Scams

Lottery, SMS, Email and Online scam letters are sent out by the thousands and thousands every day. There are only two things they want - your money and your identity. A simple mistake can lead to loss of your identity and money.

Read more at - Lottery & Online Scam Alert

Dear sir,
Greets from Tamil Nadu,India and this is my humble request that Mrs.Sandra Philip from Nigeria sent me 30000USD loan part amount thro! western union money transfer from nigeria on 15.06.09 but not reached here and while contact head office of western union nigeria thay compelled me to pay 500USD then only to send my loan amount to me while consulting with Mrs.Sandra Philip the loan lender told to pay 300USD and balance amount She has to pay and at the same way head office nigeria western union money transfer also advice thw same and intimated that while pay 300usd you can get your loan amount 30000usd within 30 minutes,and mrs.sandra philip gave me an account holder who has having icici bank account that is Mr.Mutum Rajendro Singh bearing icici bank a/c no:********6767 at Nehru Place and his Pan No:BSEPS 7759D and I have paid in vellore icici bank branch on 25.06.09 but till this time not responsible after received 14300 indian rupees and asked again to send 500usd and treat irrespectively without sending my loan amount therefore they have plan to cheat me am doubtful accordingly sir,so kindly debit the amount of 20000 indian rupees from the unknown person Mr.Mutum Rajendro Singh!s account immediately as demand draft and send me to my address:S.Thirumurugan,250.karthikeyan nagar,(opp)murugan theatre,Gudiyattam.632602.Vellore dist,Tamil Nadu,India.My mobile no is +********5822 please save us as we are severely affected family economically without any earning here sir,all evidences available here.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Complainant's Goal: To Recovery from Unknown person!s icici bank a/c
Complainant's Target: Western Union Scam
Complaint Location: IndiaNigeria
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Thu, 02 Jul 2009  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

This is a fraud done in the name of Western Union, please read the alert notice given on top of your complaint.

Also we suggest you to immediately file an FIR regarding this in your local cyber crime branch.