Travelling Ticket Examiner T.T.E - To inform the authorities of Indian Railways about a bribe incident.
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Complaint by: Akhil on January 8, 2011, 10:49 pm in Indian Railways

I am a passenger of Charminar express from chennai central to secunderabed on 7/1/2011. i am availing a second class ticket from MAS to SC and got into the sleeper coach ( S-14) and waiting for the T.T.E to pay the excess fare penalty. but the T.T.E of coach S-14 had demanded me indirectly to give him a bribe, so that i can travel without paying the penalty. As he had exploited the situation, with no other alternative i got down at Gudur JN and got into the second class coach of Simhapuri Express. So, i request the concernd authorities to take necessary action on such currupt employees and help the passengers to have a comfortable journey in the Indian Railways.

Complaint Location: IndiaTamil NaduChennai
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Thu, 13 Jan 2011  Amitava

I support this complaint.HI im amitava here im regular passenger of Bagha jatin passenger,and frequently travel from Balasore to Howrah and Howrah to Balasore.its very good train for good journey and low cost fare..But it has been observed from one month its always late start from despature time 4pm insted of kindly improve late start of Baghajatin soon as possible thanks.AMITAVA

Thu, 13 Jan 2011  Amitava

I support this complaint.hi im amitava here,im frequently travel from Balasore to kolkata no dout its very good train and low ticket fair and reached from Balasore to Howraha reached within 6hrs.But it has been observed from one month daily late.FROM HOWRAH IT HAS BEEN DESPATURE 4pm insted of 3.30 pm.KINDLY TO BE IMPROVE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.THANKS..AMITAVA